Ian Eastwood: Sexy Love- Courtney

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I got up early on Friday, my only free day that week. I had a lot to do. I had to run out to get my best friend her birthday present and organize her party for tomorrow so that meant a visit to the mall.

My dad asked for me to pick up his suits from the dry cleaners, I had to pick up my little brother from day camp too since my mom working late today. OH and gotta get some dinner too. My day is pretty much packed.

I decided to head to the cleaners first because I knew my dad needed his suits to be perfect and I can’t get them mixed up with party supplies. I stuck my hand in my pocket, fishing out the ticket for the cleaners.

“Excuse me miss, do you have this set of suits? I asked, extending my arm out towards the cleaners lady to hand her the ticket. She took my ticket, looking the the item number and information. “Ah yes, give me one moment" she said as she disappeared to the back of the cleaners.

I checked my phone to see the time, 10:45am, still early. I heard the small bell on the door ring and looked back to see who had come in.

Much to my surprise, it was this really cute guy, tall but skinny, wearing a beanie, black young lions t shirt and skinny jeans. I quickly returned my gaze back to my phone, scrolling through my apps to seem busy.

"Uh..hi" he said, I looked up to see him rocking back and forth on his feet. "Hi" I said with a small smile. "I'm Ian" he said as he began to walk towards the counter and stood next to me. I looked up at him "Courtney". He smiled "nice to meet you" he said and held out his hand. I politely shook it and returned to my phone.

"Okay, here they are" the lady had returned with my father's suits. "Thank you so much" I smiled warmly and paid her. I walked back to my car, laying the suits down in the back seat of my car, and returned to the front seat, just as I was about to get in I took another quick look at Ian, but he was already looking at me. I quickly got in my car and headed back home.


I got to the mall, looking for party city when I noticed some one familiar walking towards me, looking at his phone. I stopped in my tracks once he looked up. He waved and smiled, "Hey!". He came closer and was about a foot away form me now. 

"Hi...fancy meeting you here..again" I tried to act casual. He put his phone away, "oh uh yea, just killing some time, so what're you doin here?" he asked. 

I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath. "Well I was about to get somethings for my friends birthday party" I began. "Oh cool, you mind if I come with?" He looked innocent and he was a cute guy so, how bad could it be?

I put my hands in the air and shrugged, "Sure, if you really want, it may not be that fun bu-". "It's fine. I have nothing else better to do."

"...So then Brian asked 'ey! pang sauce' and the waitress is all like "I don't know what that is" and Brian goes 'ey! red buffalo sauce'' haha" Ian told me about his times with Brian Puspos. Ian was really funny and had a contagious laugh. 

I laughed as I paid the cashier for the items I bought. "Wait so what is Pang?" I asked. "Pang means Pang, that's all you need to know" he said as we walked out the store.

"Oh haha...well uhm I gotta get going, it was nice of you to come with me though. I'll see you..later?" I said, Ian's smile slowly faded a little. "yea uh okay, yea see you later Courtney." "Okay" I said as I walked away.


It was 5pm and my family wanted Chinese food, I felt like taking a drive s I went to go get it. 

I had ordered my food and just as I turned around there he was. Once again, Ian was standing there, he was a little sweaty and he was with a friend talking and laughing with him.

Ian turned to look at the counter when he saw me looking at him. "uh, hi" I sent a small wave and he walked towards me. He set both hands in his back pockets and smiled, "hi". I let out a small giggle. 

"So you ordered yet?" He asked as he pointed towards the counter. "Yea, yea I did, I'm just waiting" I nodded. "Oh okay, cool". I saw Ian look for something. He grabbed a napkin and a pen from the counter. He wrote something on it.

He looked to me and said. "look, Courtney, I think you're really cute and I was wondering if you would go out with me tomorrow night?". He handed me the napkin with his name, number and it said 'hey  Courtney the cutie ;)'

I smiled, bit my lip and looked up into his eyes. "Yes, I'd love to". I grabbed a napkin and wrote down my number, handing it to him. He took the napkin and his face lit up.

"Miss, your order!" The lad said. I grabbed the food and turned to Ian. "I'll see you tomorrow then" I said with a smile, he bit his lip and nodded. "See you tomorrow cutie", he winked at me as I left the restaurant. 

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