The Ending

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Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

[Is it way too cliche to say that silence is the most loud thing in my head? Yeah it probably is. Just imagine how the world would function with silence, silence only. It wouldn't be normal at all.

"Honey, do you want some more?" A soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts into the reality. "No thank you, Mrs. Atkins," I reply with a smile while I took a bite of the chicken in the plate infront of me. "This is really good," I smile again.

"Leah, how is school going?" She asked while raising her left eyebrow. "Good," I reply with a soft tone. "Thanks for staying here with us," Jeff's dad said as I shot him a big smile. "No problem,"

"We are really sorry if we messed up your plans for today," He said as I shook my head. "It's okay," I say while rolling the pasta in my plate left and right. "Honey, are you okay?" Jeff's mom said while I nodded. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh nothing," We continued to eat in pure silence and awkwardness. "I heard today is prom, did a boy ask you out?" Mrs. Atkins said with a smirk. My eyes widened as I bit my lip. "Nope, nobody special," I say while lowering my tone. Oh who am I kidding, this is a bitch move from me. "Actually, yeah. A special guy asked me out." I say almost whispering.

"Honey, then what are you doing here? Go!" Mrs Atkins said as my lips formed into a big smile. "Thank you guys for the dinner and thank you for this." I say smiling as I stand up, taking my jacket. I grabbed my purse on the way out and thanked them again.

I looked down at myself as they shot the door closed. Thank God I decided to wear a dress today. It wasn't anything special but enough pretty to attend a formal dance.


I bursted into the school gym hall, analyzing each corner of the room. My eyes landed on Clay and Zach talking and I ran to them. "Hey si-" "Where is he?" Zach and Clay both looked at each other. "The last time I saw him he walked away, in that direction," Zach says pointing at the exit door. I nodded and I ran towards it.

The door led me to the school, I sighed realizing I'll never find him. I was ready to lose hope, but two familiar voices snapped me into reality. I slowly walked to the voices. They led me to the boys locker room. I peeked behind the walls only to see Jessica and Justin talking.

I sighed as I was ready to turn around, but a mumble and muffled kissing sounds caused me to freeze in my track. I peeked behind the wall again. I could feel the tears in my eyes forming and the pain in my heart. I kept watching them like a total creep. They didn't just make out...

As soon as she took her dress down, I turned around and covered my mounth so I wouldn't make any noise. The tears were streaming down my cheeks, the warmth of the tears made me even worse. My legs carried me all the way to outside, where I took a break and fell down.

Why did he do this to me? Maybe it was my fault all together, my fault I ditched him for a fucking dead dude. But isn't wrong he cheated on me? He still loves her, that only leaves me as his distraction. My thoughts made me feel even worse. I kept crying for a while until a voice snapped me into reality.

Voices* "Leah? What are you doing here?" My brother asked, I looked up at him, my head leaving my knees. "Leah? I thought you were at the Atkins, what happened babe?" I heard Justin's voice, his eyes were soft and across his face was plastered a lovingly and caring look. He immediately rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I scream at him, pushing him away. His eyes widened he never heard me yell at him. He froze in surprise but I could see a hesitant look on his face. Whether he will run up to me or leave me alone.

"Just fuck off, I saw you, you and Jessica." I mumbled in a lower tone as I turned around and felt my feet carrying me away. How much I wanted him to come after me, to stop me, to apologize, he didn't and that made my heart break even more.

I ran as fast as I could when I came to the road, I stopped to take a deep breath. It didn't take me long to realize I was in the middle of the road. I wanted to move, but I couldn't.

It was all until I heard a distant beep, with two bright lights coming my way. My eyes widened, my feet turned around trying to escape the big truck which was coming my way. Everything felt like slowmotion, the beeping got louder and louder each second until I couldn't hear it anymore. The silence took over my body just like the darkness. Each inch of my body hurt, but the thing that hurt the most was my heart.]

Fucked Up-Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now