The Cigarettes

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Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

["DID YOU KNOW HE WAS DOING DRUGS?" I sat in my room, listening to my parents fighting about Justin and Clay. I stand up from my precious bed, and I make my way downstairs. I spotted Justin sitting on the stairs.

I sat next to him wrapping my arm around him."You okay?" I whispered. He nodded, as I gave him a small smile. "It will be okay," I said when he came closer to me. I was sitting with him until my mom and dad cooled off.
"Im gonna go to sleep, good night," I say standing up and leaving him there.

Maybe leaving him there wasn't a good idea. It wasn't a good idea at all. The same second as I put my pj's on I could hear a soft knock on my door. I opened the door, hoping for Justin. My mom and dad were both standing in the doorway. I gulped a little as I noticed their mad looks.

"Hey guys," I smile, trying to soften them up. "You smoke?" My mom asked me as I nod a little. "I'm sorry," I mumble under my breath. Dad gave me the most dissapoined look ever. My grandpa, aka my father's dad which he was super close too died from lung cancer. So basically even the word cigarette started being illegal in this house.

"I don't get what's the big deal my grades are fine anwyas, I don't drink and I'm not a troublemaker," I say turning around and rolling my eyes.
I don't get why they are so overreacting. They are the only ones like this, I'm pretty sure others peoples parents aren't so fucking strict and overreacting.

"Look Leah, we don't work our asses of for cigarettes!" She says raising her voice on me. "God damn it woman it isn't such a big deal," I turn around calmly. "Leah it isn't healthy for you, especially you,"At this point they started getting on my nerves.

"Okay I'll quit. Just get out of my room," I say while slowly raising my voice. "What?" My father gives me a questioning look. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM," I yell at them. My dad grabbed the laptop and phone which were laying on my bed. "No electronics," He says exiting my room and my mom following him.

"Fine, not like I need this anyway." I yell as I slammed the door shut. My parents and I didn't fight often but when we did it was stormy as hell.
This is the first time they took something away from me. I sat slowly on my bed trying to process what just happened. It happened so fast and so sudden. I still don't get why they make such a big deal about smoking.

I layed down, staring at the ceiling. The tears from my eyes started falling as I thought and thought more about everything. I miss him. I miss Jeff so much. He was always here for me through good and bad. My eyes started closing as I started thinking about him.

I woke up at probably 3 am, it basically started being my routine. Go to sleep at 11, wake up at 3 then go back to sleep to 7. I slowly got up from my bed and I opened the cupboard next to me grabbing all the cigarettes I had. I threw them all in a plastic bag and I made my way downstairs to throw them away. I never thought this would happen but something literally snapped in me.]

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