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  The nurse hands me my swaddled baby in a soft pink blanket, she has a pleased look on her face as the nurse tells me shes perfect.

No. I tell myself. It cant be.

I try to smile, but it falters when i'm handed my child. The one I carried in fear of for nine months. Each day living in fear of the monster she was destined to become.

That's impossible. She cant be perfect.

After He had revealed who He was, i knew my baby would carry the same curse he has. He told me He would be back for her.

And I knew He would.

I peered into her soft was, seeking anything the doctors might have missed. Nothing. Her eyes were peacefully closed and her breathing low and soft. She made a small cooing sound, and my heart couldn't help but swell at the sight of her. I knew that even if she was deformed in anyway, she was still my precious baby, and I would do anything to protect her. No matter what.

I hugged her closer. Deep down i knew she held His powers. Ones that were so strong that they could take out the entire human race. He told me so.

Of course it terrified me to the very core, but right now it was hard to picture her a heartless monster. I hadn't relized that I was silently crying until a tear rolled off my face and onto the child's cheek. A soft cry escaped her sleeping face and her eyes squinted opened. My heart stopped cold. Both her eyes were pure black.

I knew they were from Him. I knew that their was no escaping Him.

Zalgo was going to haunt me forever.

I soft knock on the door sent me shielding my baby's face for the sudden intruder. I looked up at the door and sighed with relief.

Jeff Woods stood awkwardly in the door way disguised as a human. He was dressed in a clean white tee shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. His smile that I knew so well was hidden. for now.. Slender had sent him. Slender had saved me from Zalgo, even though I had hurt him in the worst way. Slender still protected me, and Jeff had volunteered to do the same. Only he would protect my girl.

I was surprised Jeff had offered. So was all the others. It wasn't like him to do this, because he was usually a heartless creature. We had all assumed he took up the job so he could get away from the others.

I was still thankful.

I could tell he was embarrassed by the way his icy blue eyes looked at anything but me.

"Hi," he said.

I smiled warmly at him, "Hello Jeff."

The baby gurgled again and Jeff's eyes trained on the small figure. as if remembering why he had came, he slung a black backpack off his shoulders .

"I...Brought somethings for her." He mumbled shyly.

I couldn't help but smile at his efforts. He pulled out a small brown stuffed bear and held it in my direction. I took it from him and showed it to the small child in my arms. Her face immediately lit up as she reached up for it.

Jeff's face softened, something I don't think i'v ever seen. He even let a small grin creep up onto his face.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked, holding her out.

Jeff hesitated then nodded rather quickly, before taking her gently from me. She giggled up at him and grabbed one of his fingers, staring up at him with such love and wonder that it brought tears to my eyes. I noticed he reflected the same emotions in his eyes.

"She beautiful." He murmured slowly rocking her. He quickly handed her back and pulled out a small crystal that hung on a chain. I knew what it was, for I have used one like it so many times.

"Is this it?" you asked, to be sure.

He nodded, "You know what to tell her about it?"

I nodded back.

"When the time comes for her..." He trailed off, waiting for a reaction.

"I know," I whispered quietly.

Jeff stood silently before his phone buzzed in his pocket.

"You have to go?" I asked already knowing.


He stepped forward to lightly place his fingers on the girls face. "Whats her name?"

I thought for a moment. To this point I haven't even thought of a name. I had been so preoccupied with worrying about her deformities that i didn't even begin to think of one. I sat, mind blank for a couple of moments.

Jeff spoke then, " What about...(Y/N)?" He suggested.

""(Y/N)..." I tried it on my tongue.

"It means bringer of light.

I chuckled at the irony of the name. Being that she was born from darkness.

I smiled at my girl, "(Y/N)," i said again, this time confirming it. "I love it." And I did believe that she, one day, would choose to bring light instead of dark.

Jeff's phone buzzed again and he quickly pulled it out to silence it.

"I'v got to go."

I nodded and grabbed his hand, just has he was turning around. " I just wanted to say 'thank you.'" I said with tears in my eyes.

He smiled warmly and kissed me on the forehead.

"Take care," he said looking down at Lucian again.

I smiled and pulled the teddy bear out to show her. Luci smiled and giggled.

Jeff smiled a real smile, before he walked back out the room, without looking back


Hey guys I just wanted to say I hope you enjoy and encourage me to continue to update. I'v already written a huge chunk of this story down on paper, so its just a matter of publishing it. i will try to get at least 2 chapters out a week and I will try to make them long. I would apsolutly love if you leave a like of a comment on what you want to see happen in this story. Don't under estimate what a comment or like will do for me, I will be thrilled.

See you soon And stay amazing

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