Chapter 1

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AN: So is warning you now, this was my first story I've ever written. It's very short and bad and rushes things badly. But I hope you still enjoy and read and vote and stuff ❤️❤️

Jade's POV
I slowly start to wake up already running late for work as i frantically search (blindly) for my glasses. Finally grabbing them and putting them on. I drag myself out of bed, get changed into my work uniform, and run to the bathroom, fixing my hair and brushing my teeth, totally not caring about my make up.

I hop down the stairs to grab some food before heading off to work. I say good morning to my parents (yes I still live with my parents at age 23.) and head out the door patting the family dog, Ranger.

I hop off the porch and to Terry, my red 2001 station wagon. Not the prettiest car but it's all I can afford since I'm working at a pizzeria with photography as my side job.

I start my drive to work and plug in the aux cord and start blasting All Time Lows song 'the party scene'. I swear this band and my boyfriend Luke are the only things keeping me sane now days.

As I drive over the bumpy roads just a little outside of Baltimore, I start to think about buying tickets for the all time low concert in Baltimore. I'm kind of low on money at the moment though so I'm not sure.

I finally arrive to work at 10:15 (my shift starts at 10). Luckily my boss wasn't here yet considering I was 15 minutes late. Charity was already there starting up the ovens and cleaning up the little restaurant. Finally at 11:25 we get our first customers who just order a plain cheese pizza. My day was very boring until Luke walked in a little after three to keep me company since it was the late afternoon on a weekday and most people weren't planning on coming to Pete's Pizzeria. We talked and threw some rags at each other and stuff. Then I finally got off work at 4:00 and so I agreed to meet Luke for dinner at 6:00 at our local bbq joint.

So we head off in our different directions to get ready and stuff. As I'm driving down the backroads to get home I picked up my phone cause I was getting a call from a friend of mine and right as I was about to answer it I heard a loud crash and some glass shattering and then it all went black.

(AN: I swear not all chapters are this short! This was just the opening chapter. Other Chapters have more detail. Keep reading and give me feedback.)

(An: edit: I just realized how bad this is. Keep reading. It gets better.)

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