Chapter 7

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~~~~ Chapter 7~~~~~

Elizabeth’s POV

I woke up around noon and I felt horrible. Not a sick kind of horrible, but a ‘I cried myself to sleep’ horrible. I knew today was going to be a lazy day. I rolled over and checked my phone. I had a message from Theresa, Sarah, and Jackson. Someone explain to me why I gave him my number. When I unlocked my phone, I got a reminder from my calendar app.

-Endo Appointment, Monday Morning, 8am.

Someone please shoot me know. There’s nothing more dreadful than listening to people tell you how to be a diabetic. Most of the time I end up crying. Closing out of the reminder, I check my texts.

Theresa: Sorry about bailing last night. I’m feeling better today though. Shopping trip?

Sarah: Hurry up and wake up! Shopping trip today!

Ugghhh. There was NO way I was leaving my room today. Nope. Nada. I hurried up and replied to both.

‘Sorry guys, but I can’t go shopping today. I have to prepare for my endo appointment on Monday.’

I immediately got a response.

Theresa: Dang, that sucks. We all have to go soon thought!

Sarah: Ugh, fine. I guess I understand (;

I chuckle and roll my eyes.


Monday rolls around and I delayed getting out of bed as much as possible. Once I decided that I absolutely had to get up. I quickly changed, grabbed some breakfast, and made my way to my appointment.

(A/N I’m not going to get into details of the appointment because nothing exciting ever goes on so I’ll spare you guys of the boringness. You will find out the important stuff within the next couple chapters)

Normally I would go back to school after my appointment, but that was certainly not happening this time. Not after the news I got. I sat in my car for a good 20 minutes before I managed to drive home. I immediately walk up to my room, lock the door, then climb into bed. I sit there for who knows how long. No thoughts, no tears, no emotion, nothing. Just numbness. I hear someone trying to open my door.

“Elizabeth? Are you okay?” It was Chris. The only time he calls me by my full name is when he knows something is wrong.

My body refuses to work properly, so I don’t respond. I hear him sigh loudly. Next thing I know I hear my door being unlocked. Dammit, I forgot that he has a key. I was in no mood to talk to anyone.

Chris comes over and sits on the edge of my bed. I don’t move or look at him. “How was your appointment?”

The tears finally flow. I bring my knees to my chest and bury my face into my knees. Chris walks around to wear I’m sitting and hugs me. “It’ll be okay Lizzy. We’ll get through this, just like we’ve gotten through everything else. Just know that you aren’t alone on this journey.”

I still can’t get myself to talk. After a few more minutes, Chris leaves. A few hours later, there’s another knock on my door.

“Hey Lizzy, Chris told me to come tell – Lizzy what’s wrong?” I look up at Jackson and see a concerned expression on his face.

I mumble a nothing.

“It doesn’t seem like a ‘nothing’.” He paused as if he wanted to say something else, but wasn’t sure if he should. “Look, I know we’re not close, and you despise me, but I really like you Lizzy. I really, really like you. I’ve liked you for a while now and I want to get to know you, really know you. Is there any way you could give me a chance?” He looked at me with pleading eyes.

What. The. Hell. My brother’s best friend, my worst nightmare, just confessed he likes me. I look at him, confused. Trying to wrap my head around what just happened, I didn’t even notice that Jackson had walked around and was now standing in front of me. He put his hands around my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

“Please just give me a chance, Elizabeth. Let me show you that I’m not the jerk I seem to be.”

“I-I-“ I start to say, but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Jackson’s hands drop from my face. He looks up and his expression suddenly becomes hard.

“What do you want Tanner?” he said through gritted teeth.

“Chris wanted to know what was taking so long.” He deadpanned.

Jackson gave me one last pleading look, “please think about it Lizzy.”

Unable to trust my voice, I just nodded. I mean, Jackson was hot, but he’s my brother’s best friend. He was 6’5, dirty blonde hair, with dark brown eyes. Isn’t there some kind of guy code about not dating your best friends sister? My thoughts were interrupted by my bed shifting under someone’s weight. Tanner was now sitting in front of me.

“What does he want you to think about?” he asked cautiously.

“Nothing.” I say looking at my hands.

“Chris actually sent me up here to talk to you.” He stated.

“That’s too bad cause I don’t feel like talking.”

He scooted up, so he was now sitting next to me. “Well,” he started as he draped an arm around me, “how about I talk and when you feel like talking you can.”

I look up at him, “Do I really have a choice?”

“Not really.”

I sigh and slump my shoulders.

He continued, “Chris told me you went to the doctor today.”

I nodded

“What’d the doctor say?”

Way to beat around the bush, I think sarcastically. I still don’t feel like talking so I just sit there and let the silence grow awkward.

“Come on Liz, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you can’t keep it bottled up. You have people that love you and want to help you. We can’t help you unless you tell us what’s going on.”

I felt bad for not answering, but if I said it out loud, then I’d have to accept it.

Tanner sighed, than made his way off my bed. Before leaving he looked at me with a sad look, “Chris made dinner.”

I simply nodded and watched as he closed the door.


Sooooo yeah. Jackson confessed his feelings and Elizabeth got some bad news. I know it's not the most exciting chapter, but oh welllll. The next chapter will reveal some more stuff and there may or may not be some serious arguing and deep heart to hearts. 

Comment, vote, give me ideas, who should play who? 

Thanks for staying with me! This is my first Wattpad story so i'm sorry if it sucks!

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