Ziyang Cuifeng

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"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

"I guess this is it then." Dylan sighed as we exited the park, holding hands. When he looked at me I saw something I hadn't seen before; sincere apologies. He was sorry he couldn't convince me that the world was a wonderful place to live and I was sorry that I didn't have the courage to prove to him that I knew he was right.

"It was a pleasure to meet you and I feel very fortunate to have spent the last twenty-one days in your company." He smiled sadly, holding out his hand. I too raised my hand to shake his, relishing the final touch we'd share before parting ways. He raised my hand to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on my skin, his eyes never leaving mine. There was still so much I wanted to tell him, and not just by writing it down but by verbal words.

I wanted to tell him that I understood. Tell him that he helped me in more ways than one. My heart ached to call out to him and tell him that the world was just as wonderful, exciting and beautiful as he said. I wanted to say that I've found myself, and that I've broken down all but one of my walls. I wanted to tell him that just his presence beside me made me feel vulnerable, but in the best way possible. I wanted to utter his name and tell him that I've found the most beautiful thing on earth. I wanted to tell him that I found a love that transcended planes of this earth.

But the words didn't come out.

Our handshake lingered, neither of us willing to let go. I leaned close to him, his eyes closing instinctively. Kissing his cheek, I felt his sad sigh against my skin when I moved back. It was Dylan who finally dropped our hands and turned away from me, but not before I caught a lone tear dropping down his cheek. I had reduced this wonderful, radiant man to tears of pain.

I watched helplessly as Dylan walked further away from me. A rumble of thunder momentarily drowned the harsh beating of my heart. My breathing was laboured as I felt my heart wanting to be freed from its cage. I could hear the pounding of the blood in my ears, louder than the storm raging around me. I felt the healing stitches on my heart starting to rip again with each step he took away from me.

"Dylan." I whispered, the rain drowning out my words. He stopped for a second as though he had heard me but then continued walking. I stared teary-eyed as I watched the love of my life walk away from me and did nothing to stop him. Lightening struck the floor followed by another thunder clap. With a rush of bravery I opened my mouth.

"DYLAN!" The unfamiliar voice that sounded was painfully coarse and croaky, signs of disuse. The foreign sound had me widening my eyes at the unexpectedness of what had just happened. Dylan stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around, his wet hair whipping to the side. Just as another bolt of lightening brightened the sky he ran to me.

"What did you say?" He asked, panting. I looked up into his eyes, and saw hopefulness swirling in the deep brown orbs. "Elise, what did you say?"

"Dylan." I breathed, the word thrumming against my vocal chords painfully. Bravely I took a step closer to him so the space between our bodies was minimal.

"Say it again." He grinned.

"Dylan. " A slow smile appeared on my face, the action feeling weird as I exposed my teeth. He took my face in his hands, threading his long fingers in my knotted, wet hair, his thumb resting against my cheek. He leaned his forehead against mine. "Say it once more."

"Dylan." As soon as I had uttered the word he captured my lips in a searing kiss, warming my cold body from the inside out. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer as his wrapped around my back. I don't know how long we spent kissing in the rain, but when we finally pulled apart I had indelible smile on my face.

"I have now seen the single most beautiful thing in the world." Dylan announced. I blushed and slapped his forearm. "I was right Elise, your smile is truly breathtaking."


A short but sweet chapter to end the story. Yes, it is finally over and I can mark it as completed. It has taken me two and a half years to complete this story and it's the longest I've taken to write one. One reason is that I had just started med school, and it's hard to juggle studying for exams and writing but also battling with constant lack of inspiration.

I've put my heart and my soul into this book and I am proud of what I have achieved here. It was no easy feat but like all writers I pushed through the blocks and made it here. I didn't mention this before but there were many times I wanted to quit this story because it became to hard and frustrating to carry on. I'm glad that I worked through it and now I'm here. I'm at the end, and I'm happy that I could give Dylan and Elise the ending they deserve.

These two characters will always have a special place in my heart, because along with them I have discovered myself.

Thank you to all who have kept with me from the beginning, but also a massive thank you to all those who have chosen to read it some time while I was writing it. It means a great deal to me and I hope now that I can mark this as read I can perhaps enter it for the Watty awards.

This is one of my proudest achievements and hope that you all can appreciate my words.

Thank you and love you all

Neha x

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