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"A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won't be too bad." - Robert Wagner

I woke up with the sun on my face and a light breeze on my skin. It was hard to believe that I was here, sleeping on the softest cotton sheets, surrounded by a mountain of the fluffiest pillows. I didn't deserve to be here, but if I learnt anything on the journey I have taken then it is to accept what I have because no one can predict the next day.

I slept peacefully, my nightmares didn't haunt me allowing my to sleep through the night and wake up with the sun. It was a wonderful feeling. Sighing contently, I slipped out from the sheets and grabbed the silk bathrobe from the chair.

As I applied the toothpaste to my teeth I observed myself in the mirror. The girl who looked back was unrecognisable; her tanned skin was tinged with pink, and her brown eyes shone brighter. Her hair had regained it's colour, longer and more luscious. I ran my fingers through my thick tresses, enjoying the silkiness as it fell between my fingers. My skin had been replenished with water and nutrients, the sickly pale pallor was gone replaced instead with a glow.

Spitting out the menthol paste I rinsed my mouth and washed my face with the cool water, before flicking on the kettle. Dylan was still fast asleep when I made my cup of tea so I decided to drink it out on the deck, the morning sun already heating up the air as I stepped outside. My companion joined me just as I was finishing my drink, a mug of coffee in his hands.

"Beautiful isn't it? I could stay here forever." He murmured. I nodded my agreement. "Today we're going to a dog shelter nearby. I have to warn you though it's going to take everything not to take one home today." He looked regretfully at me.

Sighing, I nodded my understanding. I've always loved dogs, but when Daisy died that love didn't seem important anymore so I forgot that I even wanted a pet. Perhaps the shelter would be good for me. They do say spending time with dogs provides much needed therapy for anything.

The moment we entered the shelter we heard the yelps and barks of dogs. The supervisor led us to the back of the house where the kennels were. Almost immediately we were ambushed by puppies of different breeds, all eager to be stroked. Kneeling down I reached out to pet them, enjoying the feeling of the soft fur under my fingers. They clambered up my legs and began licking my face enthusiastically, yelping with excitement.

"These dogs just want to be loved. They may have been abandoned or abused but their love will never wane. It an unconditional love." The woman said, smiling at the litter of pups that surrounded me just to get a helping of love. She handed me bag of treats to feed to the puppies. They hungrily climbed over each other to grab the treat, barking with satisfaction. A Golden Retriever puppy nuzzled under my arm, begging for my attention. His big brown eyes looked at me, already filled with affection as he reached up to lick my chin. Yelping he snatched a treat from my hand before bounding away. Looking back he ran over to me, tugging on my top, urging me to play with him.

"I think he likes you." Dylan laughed, his own hands filled with puppies. Standing up I followed the Retriever, his excited barks echoing through the shelter. He picked up a ball and brought it over to me. We played catch for a while before he started to tire. He scratched my trouser, so I picked him and he immediately started licking my face. I placed him in my lap and stroked his long fur slowly till he eventually fell asleep.

By the time we were going to leave the puppy had woken up and was whimpering at the gate, watching as we walked away. Sighing, I turned back and bent down to rub his head. I wish I could take you with me buddy, but you'll find a good home. I promised silently, my heartbreaking when I had to walk away from him.

"Dogs are incredibly loyal and loving animals. Their hearts are so big. Their love doesn't interfere in their intelligence, in fact it makes them fiercely protective creatures. They have a capacity for love almost everyone cannot comprehend. That unconditional love is precious, it's an entity worth protecting. Its a beautiful thing to allow yourself to love unconditionally because then you have truly become yourself." He said as we walked through the street market we found on the way back to the resort.

Dylan had told me to go back to the resort alone, while he went to find food for dinner. I decided to wear a long dress with my hair pinned in a low, messy bun. He came back to tell me that he had arranged a table to eat at on the beach and to change into dark blue trousers, accompanied by a white shirt, rolled at the sleeves.

Outside was a table with two chairs, and a candle between the two plates. He pushed the chair in before taking his own seat. "This is overly cheesy, but I wanted you to really enjoy this adventure." He lifted the silver domes off our plate to reveal a smiling face made from a mixture of ingredients. I shook my head with amusement, noticing the proud smirk on his face. "Well eat up then."

Without hesitation I dug into my dish, amazed at how well the ingredients tied together to produce and explosion of flavour. "Its good isn't it?" He grinned. I just nodded, content with just enjoying this meal.

Dessert came and it was my favourite, créme caramel. My eyes widened with surprise as it was placed in front of my. Excited I dug my spoon into the soft custard, licking the caramel from the back of the silverware. "You like?"

Nodding enthusiastically, I devoured the entire plate, savouring the remnants of the sweet caramel on my lips. Our plates were cleared away and Dylan poured the rest of the wine bottle into our glasses. We sat in a serene silence, basking in the cool sea breeze, watching the water splash on to the sand. "Shall we?" He asked, outstretching his hand for me. I took it, letting him lead me back to the room. He placed me in front of the mirror. I frowned at him.

"Just give me a second." He smiled sweetly at me, before ducking into the bathroom. I was standing in front of the mirror, just observing my appearance in the pale pink maxi dress when Dylan came and stood behind me. Slowly he pulled the pins out from my hair till it cascaded down my back.

He rested his hands on my waist, pushing his body into my back eliciting a sharp gasp from me. "I have something for you." He said, his eyes fixed to mine as we stared at our reflections. He dipped his hand into his trouser pocket before pushing my hair over one shoulder. A pendant dropped from his hand when he moved the chain in front of me and clasping it around my neck. I touched the shiny blue stone that rested against my chest, eyes wide. It's beautiful. I thought.

"Not as beautiful as you though." He said, as if he could read my mind. Never breaking eye contact he placed a kiss on my neck, just below my ear. My heart thudded against my chest wall, threatening to break out. Taking in a sharp breath, my hand reached behind to touch his cheek, my eyes closing at its own will. "No keep your eyes open." He whispered, the words tickling my ear.

I watched as he kissed down my neck, maintaining eye contact the entire time. He moved the strap of my dress to the side to continue his train of kissed down my shoulder before running his palm down my arm and grasping my hand. "I want you to watch yourself let go of your inhibitions." His lust filled hoarse voice whispered. His other hand moved from my waist to my stomach, fanning his fingers out. My breath was ragged, my heart jumping at his every movement. He placed our connected hands on the mirror, before free his from my hold and shifting my hair to the other shoulder. He smirked before kissing the crook of my shoulder while pushing the strap of my dress off. The soft fabric fell down my body leaving me standing in just my underwear.

With every kiss, I watched myself unwind a little more. I watched as my breath condensed on the cold mirror, and the pink brighten my cheeks. I watched as my pupils dilated, and my muscles relaxed against this firm chest. I watched as I lost myself within the depths of his endless orbs of desire. I watched how I gave myself to him and how I wanted to.

I watched as he loved me.


Another chapter, another week.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this chapter.

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