Chapter 13 - Shut Away

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Over the couple of days, Harry was learning to accept he was doing things solo. He stopped himself from visiting Louis altogether, since it only made him upset. It was clear the only person Louis wanted around to Eleanor.

Harry had already started packing Louis' things, for he knew Louis was bound to move out and in with Eleanor. It killed him, not seeing Louis. But he couldn't see him, or Eleanor, it hurt. So he stayed at home, trying his best to ignore the outside world. 

He had many visitors checking in on him, making sure he was all right about what had happened. One of them being Jay and the girls, another being his mum, and the boys. But he rarely had them over for long - he didn't have the strength to put on a fake smile for them to stop their worries.

But when Niall came knocking one Sunday morning, he opened the door, surprised to see Niall with a wide grin on his face. Harry's face however, looked plain, no emotion whatsoever.

"He's coming home!" Niall exclaimed, walking in and closing the door behind him.

"What?" Harry asked, walking Niall into the living-room. They both sat down on the sofa, Niall happy and Harry upset.

"Louis," Niall explained. "He's coming home tomorrow."

"Why you telling me this?" Harry asked.

Harry shrugged. Of course he was excited that Louis was well enough to make a move home, but he knew not to get too excited, since nothing memory-wise was going to change. "It's not like he's anything to do with me anymore, Niall. I'm just a mate."

"But he's looking forward to coming back here," said Niall sadly. "Why aren't you?"

Harry stared at him. "What do you mean back here?"

"He's coming back here, Harry, to this flat- back home, where he belongs."

Harry couldn't hide his shocked expression, lips slightly parting.

Pretending From The Start, Larry Stylinson Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now