Chapter 5 - Far Away

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Harry went straight back to his and Louis' flat, packed his bags and got into the waiting black vehicle which took him to the airport. He tried calling Louis several times to let him know what was going on but it always went to voicemail. In the end, Harry gave up and went to America, hoping Louis would get back to him before he got there.


Louis didn't get home from his date until it was around eleven at night. He walked in, all frustrated and in need of Harry's touch. The house was silent, which either meant Harry was out or asleep. Louis threw his keys onto the coffee table and shrugged off his jacket.

"Hazza," Louis called, hanging his jacket up. "Baby, you still up?"

After getting no reply, Louis decided to walk into his and Harry's shared bedroom, to find the bed was empty. He frowned in confusion, looking round for a note. If Harry was out late, he'd always leave a note. But this time, he didnt.

Next thing Louis thought of was to call him. He took his mobile out of his pocket and swiched it on. He had ten calls from Harry while his phone was off. Immediately, he thought something was wrong and decided to call his boyfriend back.

But it went to voicemail. 

Louis left a voice message anyway, asking for Harry to call him back.

That moment, Louis' phone rang, Liam's picture and number lighting up his screen. He answered the call and held the device to his ear.

"Hey, Liam," said Louis.

"Hey, man," Liam replied. "Thought I'd ring to remind you I'll be coming over tomorrow. We've got to work on some new songs for the new album."

"Sounds great," Louis mumbled. "Lee, do you happen to know where Harry's gotten to?"

"I don't, mate," Liam said. "Isn't he at home?"

"I've just got in but he's not here," Louis explained.

"Want me to call him for you?"

"Alright tried," Louis told him. "But his phone's off."

"I'm sure he's just out with friends, or maybe his mum," Liam suggested. "Don't worry too much about it, Lou."

"All right," Louis sighed. "Well, I'm completely shattered so I'mma head to sleep. Speak to you later."

"Bye, man."

Louis hung the phone up and undressed. He laid down on the bed, missing the warmth of Harry beside him. He stayed awake for the next ten minutes, hoping Harry would walk in, but he didn't. So he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

But if he's stayed up a little bit longer, only twenty minutes longer, he would have been able to pick up his phone when Harry called.

Instead, Harry was on his own, lying in a hotel room in America, phone clutched to his chest as he cried.

He had a date with Kendall in the morning.

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