Chapter 4 - Pack Your Bags

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When Harry walked into the office, he could see that Richard wasn't alone as he was talking to a beautiful female. Sensing his presence, Richard looked up at Harry, beckoning him in with his finger. Harry closed the door and walked further in.

"Sit down, Harry," Richard offered, gesturing to the spare chair next to the girl.

Harry ignored the girl's smile and sat down, waiting for further instructions from Richard.

"This is Kendall Jenner," Richard introduced. "She's a well-known model in America. She's willing to keep your dirty secret and be your girlfriend when cameras are around."

"I'm not being funny here," said Harry, "but why do you always set me up with models?"

Richard shrugged. "I guess it's more believable, since you're a heartthrob."

"Am fucking not," Harry muttered. He turned to the girl. "You do realise you're probably going to get more hate than anyone on Twitter, don't you?"

"I'm getting paid," she laughed.

"You're a model," Harry reminded her. "You've probably got more money than me."

"Hm," she hummed. "Maybe I do. But there's still plenty of room in my bank. I'll also get the publicity I deserve. And let's not go into detail about how much of a cutie you are. Think of how much I'll gain."

"Yeah, well this cutie's taken," said Harry, turning back to Richard. "Do I really have to do this?"

"Yes," Richard confirmed. "And you're heading off to America today."

Harry rose from his chair. "Fuck, I am. Louis' not back from that date you set up."

"Why do you think I sent him off on that date, Harry?" asked Richard. "I know he wouldn't let you go, so now he's away, nothing's stopping you."


"Pack your bags, Harry."

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