Chapter 12 - Talks with Jay

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Harry was going to give it one final try and see if Louis remembered who he was.

He walked into the hospital, down the halls until he reached Louis' room. He was about to walk in, until he looked through the window, to find his boyfriend kissing Eleanor with passion, like he really meant it.  Harry couldn't watch. He collapsed to the chairs and buried his face in his hands.


Harry looked up, to see Jay approaching him, holding a cup of hospital coffee. Harry sighed and looked back down, shaking his head. 

"He doesn't remember who I am, Jay," Harry told her quietly.

"Oh, honey," she whispered, sitting beside him. "I'm sure he'll remember who he really loves eventually. He just needs time. Maybe when the pills wear off." She smiled at a thought. "He even thinks he and Lottie get along. Which they don't, you've seen the way they are. Remember when he thought she had a crush on you and tried keeping her away everytime you stayed round?"

"I remember," Harry said, looking up at her. "But Louis doesn't."

"He will soon, love," Jay assured.

Harry leaned his head on Jay's shoulder and sighed. She wrapped her left arm round him, rubbing his arm for comfort. 

"I just miss him so much," Harry said.

That moment, Louis' four sisters came. 

"Hazza!" The two youngest, Daisy and Phoebe, chirped as they ran up to him. Harry sat up straight and gave the best convincing smile to them, to make them think there was nothing wrong.

"Hey, girls," he muttered, opening his arms.

They walked straight into his hug. He picked them both up and sat them down on either one of his knees. He held Daisy tightly to him while burying his face in Phoebe's soft hair, silently crying.

"Harry," Daisy whispered.

Harry looked at her. "Yes, babe?"

"Why aren't you with Lou anymore?" she asked sadly.

"Yeah," Phoebe continued, turning her head to look at Harry. "You were such a cute couple. We loved seeing you together. You were always were hugging him, kissing him, and cuddling him. Which means you must've loved him. So why did you break up with him?"

Great, not only did Harry lose the love of his life, but everyone was making it out to be his fault, as if he broke Louis' heart when it's the total opposite.

Harry stared at the girls for a moment, realising he didn't have an answer. He looked up at Lottie and Fizzy who were giving him sad smiles, both clearly upset. He looked at Jay who gave him a nod, a gesture to tell them.

Harry sighed, looking back at Daisy. "We both want different things now, Daise," he told them sadly. "But that doesn't mean I'm not your Hazza anymore. You and Phoebe will always be my two princesses." He kissed both their cheeks. "I love you both so much."

Daisy smiled and kissed Harry's cheek back, Phoebe mirrored her actions on the other cheek. 

"We love you too, Harry," said Daisy.

"More than anything," added Phoebe.

Pretending From The Start, Larry Stylinson Fanfiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora