Chapter 39

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Okay , so this is the last chapter for this story .

The sequel should be up by today?

~ Sharyna



* Harry's P.O.V *

4 days since I proposed to Aliyah . She seems happy , but she's been keeping her distance .

But since it was Friday , it was guys day . We always did things together on Friday . Today we were going Ice Skating . I havent do it in years .

' Bye Ali , Love you ' I called out , not knowing were she was .

She run's out of her run , hair still wet and in her dressing gown .

She runs into my arms , ' I love you Too ' She says smiling . She looked like she was kind of crying but that probley because she got make up in her eye or something .

' Boobearrrrr. Come on , Stop sitting on that ass of your's and drive us there .' I moan .

We all hop into the car , I see Aliyah waving out of the window .

' Wooooo! Guys Day!! ' I scream .


' Bye Boobear , Love you ' I say as I hop out of his car . It was about 9pm , Ice skating was such a crack up . We all kept falling over and falling on something that wasn;t ice . Lou landed on people most of the time . And the people were randoms .

They didnt seems to happy with us after though .

' Honnneeeeyy , Im Hommmeee ' I yell as I open the door .

No answer .

' Aliyah? ' I call out again .

Still No answer ,

There's a note on the table .

Dear Harry .

By the time your reading this Ill already be on my plane

You see , this relationship could never work . Ive been trying to tell you that for months .

Your Famous and Im just , well . Me . A nobody . You need someone that can give you everything .

I didn't want to tell you , but Im 1 month preganant . I was afrid that you would be angry , Its your's of course . But its not just One Baby . I think it might be twins . I was scared mangement wouldn't let me see you again .

That we could never Kiss , or Touch each other . They did that with Niall and His Best friend . They broke them apart . Eleanor told me .

Ill miss you like crazy , But I dont want us to be torn apart . And you even know you cant stop it .

I left the ring on the bed side table . Im so sorry Harry . I love you more than Life itself . I just couldnt live with the idea of you Hating me . That's why when the kids are old enough they can come stay with you for a couple weeks .

You probley hate me now , Because this isnt the first time Ive left you .

Please look on the bright side . You can have a perfect career , Find your dream girl . Like come on were only 19 .

Please dont come and find me , It 's just better this way .

Love you so much .

Ali . xo

What the fuck is this!? It must be a joke , She wouldnt leave me . And she cant be pregnant , we always used protection . Wait . Shit! I pulled me hair . After my seven month tour , One thing led to another , and I think we fogot . Fucking Shit .

She's right , were to young . But we could of made it work .

I looked in the bedroom . I saw the Ring sitting on the bed side table . Just like she said . It fianlly hit me then . She was gone . And I didnt nothing to stop her .

For the first time since we got put together as band I cryed .

I cryed for my unborn kid/kids .

I cryed for Love .

I cryed for Aliyah .


Okay , I cried writing this . No hate .

Im looking for a co-writer for the sequel . If your interested comment below idea's and Ill pick by tomorrow .

But honety . What did you think about her leaving ?

And what will Harry do ?

Well this is the end of this story . The sequel might be up today or tomorrow . It depends

If I get 6 votes and 6 comments Ill put it on today

Bye xx

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