Chapter 11

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We all spent the day getting to know each other , Louis keeping yelling out random things though .

Then they got a bit personal .

' So , Aliyah where's your parents ? ' Zayn asked , he's been a bit quite . I dont like he likes me every much .

I always dreaded that question . Ever since my mum died in of cancer 7 years ago my dad stopped caring , He drank and he only came home about once a month . But since my family was kinda rich and I I knew the bank account numbers Ive been alright . I dont really know where my dad goes .He's either at the pub , at some girls house , or he's in a hotel cause he cant stand the sight of me .

I couldnt tell the boys that though .

' Can we skip that questioned ' I asked .

' Sure ' Liam said smiling like nothing happened .

We continued talking about there tour thats happening soon .

' So how long will you guys be gone for ? ; I asked .

' Only about 2 months , we get little holidays though . ' Harry answered .

That was upesting .

* Harry's P.O.V *

I wonder why she didnt want to talk about her parents , I know her mum died , there was gossip about it when I first moved here .

I dont know were her dad is though , I never seen him . And Ive meet everybody in this town .

I was upset that she found out about the tour , I didnt want to tell her till later , but the buys with her big mouths .

At about 5pm they guys said there goodbyes and left execpt for Louis who refused to go without his 'Wife' at the end Liam and Zayn had to drag him out . It was kinda funny watching him struggle .

I didnt want to ask about her dad , But I needed to know .

' So Ali , About your dad ? ' I asked . I saw the strained look on her face .

' What about him ' She whispered .

' Where is he ? '

* Aliyahs P.O.V *

I knew he would ask sooner or later . But not this soon . I had to tell him anyway .

' I dont know , He's wherever he wants to be I guess , I dont really have much say . He comes home thought , about once a month . It started ever since my Mum died . ' I confessed .

Harry grabbed me and gave me on of his big Harry Hug's . He stood there hugging for about 10 mintues .

' Lets watch a movie ? ' He asked to get my dad off my mind .

' Sure , you choose ' I said .

He looked though my movie cupboard . He finally choose one . It was a childs movie of course .

' The Land before time '

I loved dinosaurs when I was a little girl , I have every Land before time movie ever made . They were my life when I was 4 .

' This One! ' Harry protested .

' Okaaayyy ' I said . Sounding unhappy but I really wanted to watch it .

' YEEEES !! ' Harry screamed .

We put the movie on and pressed play . , My favourite dinosaur was Big foot . I loved him .

When the movie ended Harry was asleep on my shoulder . I got up carefully and put a pillow under his head and a blanket over his body .

I went into the kitchen to make some dinner , I made mac and cheese .

I was sure harry was hungry but he wouldnt wake up . I decided that I would just pour water on him .

I filled the glass up walked over to him and dumped it on his head .


He gave me a look telling me to run .

I ran straight for the bathroom because It had a lock .

' Open up Aliyah I have a surprise for you ' Harry said cheekly .

' NEVER ! ' I yelled back.

He started banging on the door

' If you leave me alone Ill give you food ' I offered .

' Hmmm , What kind of food ' He asked

' Mac and Cheese and Ice Cream ! ' I said happily knowing it would work .

' YES ! WHERE !! ' He screamed .

I opened the door and walked downstairs into the kitchen . Harry followed .

' Here ' I prosented him with the mac and cheese .

' Where's my Ice cream ' I ran to the freezer and got the choc chip Ice cream .

' Here , now you happy ' Harry nodded . Stuffing his face .

' Harry slow down , your gonna choke . ' I said

' No . Im hungry . ' He said .

I got my own mac and cheese and we ate dinner peacefully . When harry was done he opened the ice cream and got out 2 forks .

' Forks ?!? ' I questioned

' Liam will never speak to us again if we use spoons ' He said have a fake chill down his back as he said spoons .

' Okay sure ' Going along with it .

I had a bit of ice cream but Harry ate the rest .

' I better go now ' Harry said , It was 10:30 .

' Okay , Bye Bye , And dont let the bed bugs bite ' I said Giving him a long goodnight kiss .

He waved googbye as he got into his car ,

As he drove away I realised

I was falling hard for Harry Styles .


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