Chapter 15

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Its Been 12 Months since the concert , I didnt miss him as much . Luke and I have beening hanging out more . He helps me get over Harry . Anna felt so bad after the concert . We went home straight after , We gave the VIP Tickets to two thirteen year old girls . They cried when we did .

Lukes Okay , I guess . he has his moments .

Ever since One Direction have gone worldwide , there bigger then Justin Bieber , I missed Harry more . I know I shouldnt , It wrong . But I still do  .

' Oi , Babe .  make me a sandwich , Im hungry ? ' Luke asked .

' Sure thing babe ' I answered .

I dont see Anna that much anymore , She dosent like Luke , they way he speaks to me . I think he speaks to me like a normal guy . Luke and I have been going out for over 9 months . He moved in about 2 months ago , and I reaslied guys are pigs . He's not that messy though .

I made him his sandwich and gave it to him , He was in the living room playing MW3 .Like every other normal guy .

' Hey babe , Im going out tonight with the guys , wont be home till late . ' Luke said

' Okay , Have fun ' I answered then went upstairs to have a shower . Luke was gone by the time I got out , At about 7:30 Anna sent me a text , which was strange .

' Hey , Get ready , were going clubbing in the city . Be there in about 30  Look hot ~ Anna xo '

Ah , Yes . Finally a girls night out .

I put on my clubbing dress , It was half-way up my thigh , It was short . It was red and tight too . I added black high heels to my outfit and just brushed and straightened my hair ,  I also put Some make up on too . I wasnt trying to empress anyone . I just liked dressing up . Like most 19 year olds /

I was walkig down stairs when a * beep *   * beep * came from out the front , Anna was hear . I locked the house and jumped into the car .

The drive was kinda long , I didnt notice . I was thinking about Harry again .

We got there at about 9:00pm , Right when the club started getting fun .

We walked in and my favourite song was on ' Whistle ' By Flo Rida was on . I grabbed Anna's Hand and made her dance with me . We danced for the next couple songs then we both got thirsty , Anna went to go get us some soda's . I danced a little by my self . Then I got bored . Where the hell was Anna ? I asked myself .

I danced with some random guys for a bit ,

' Hey , Sorry I took so long , I saw an old friend , we talked for a bit . ' Anna said as she handed me my soda .

We drank them while dancing for a bit more , Anna kept looking over my shoulder though , I dont know why . Probley saw some guy she liked . We danced for another hour , But she kept looking over my shoulder .I decied to see the guy she kept looking at , He most of been heaps hot for her to stare at for the past hour .

I looked behind my shoulder . And there he was , with all the other lads too .

Harry .

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