Chapter 10

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*Thanks for the votes guys, and fans. Comment any idea's. Thanks.*

~Sharyna xx


The next morning I was a mess, I didn't know what to wear or how to do my hair (I know I sound like a total girl) I just kept thinking of ways that they would judge me. What if they hate me and tell harry to end things with me. That can't happen.

I put one of the dresses I got the other when I went shopping with Anna. We haven't been spending that much time together since she and I got boyfriends.

The dress was short and it was kinda floral. I loved it though, I had never worn it before.

I just hope they like me.

I brushed my hair and just left it the way it was, it was half-way down my back now, I haven't cut it in about 3 years.

I put a little make up on and went down stairs to wait, I didn't take harry seriously when he told me to hide all my food from Niall.

I was about to watch a re-play of spongebob when I heard a car pulling I the drive-way outside.

All the thoughs I had earlier soon came back. I freaking out.

They rang the door bell, I went to open it but before I could Louis walked in and yelled "ALIYAH!!" At the top of his lungs and gave me a huge hug.

Then rest of the boys walked in.

"Louis, put poor Aliyah down." Liam scowled. I guess he was Daddy Directioner.

"Okay dad," Louis said sadly.

Liam turned to me. "Hello, I'm Liam," He said.

"I know." I replied.

"Niall" Niall said as he gave me a hand shake.

And Zayn, "Hey Zayn." I said.

"Hey," He said back.

Niall walked into my kitchen and opened my fridge.

"See Harry, she likes me! She didn't even hide her food." He yelled to Harry.

"Niall, God. Get out of her fridge," Harry said.

"It's okay, he can have whatever he wants. Just make your self at home," I said. God I sounded motherly just then.

"Ha Ha Harry," Niall mocked.

Louis came up to me again.

"You and Harry are going out, Ew. Break up with him now. And go out with me," Louis Protested.

"Sure, but I'm not to sure Harry will be okay with it." I whispered.

"Louis, you have Eleanor, do Aliyah's mine." Harry argued.

Louis walked away unhappily.

"Sorry their a bit over the top. Their just exicted to meet you." Harry said pulling me in for a hug.

He gave me a peck on the lips.

"EWWWWWW! Their kissing!!" I heard louis yell in the kitchen.

"The guys really like you though," Harry said calmly.

Thank god.

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