01:19 a.m. OMGLevi : it's Saturday night. There's no risk to oversleeping tomorrow.

01:20 a.m. Vicky: Oh that's right. Okay.

01:25 a.m. OMGLevi : You looked really pretty tonight.

She was glad they were chatting via text. She didn't think she would have liked him to see her blush so deep again. How did you respond to a compliment from your crush anyway?

She settled with a somewhat lame,

01:27 a.m. Vicky : Thank you.

There was a bit of a pause, in reality just over a couple of minutes, but to Vicky it felt like hours.

Had she messed up already? Should she have complimented him too? Should she have flirted back? Damn it, there should be manuals for stuff like this.

01:30 a.m. OMGLevi : Was that your boyfriend who came to pick you up? He had a amazing bike.

Vicky blushed to the roots of her hair. Heaven knows she couldn't hold the this conversation in person.

01:31 a.m. Vicky : That's not...not my boyfriend. And the bike isn't all that great.

01: 31 a.m. OMGLevi : Is he someone you are seeing then? But it was a vintage Harley Davidson!

01:32 a.m. Vicky: Nothing serious between us. It's a risky mode of travel.

01:32 a.m. OMGLevi: Okay. So bikes make you nervous as well?

01:32 a.m. Vicky : Among other things :) Enough about me though, your date went well i hope?

01:33 a.m. OMGLevi : Haha. XD No my date pretty much went downhill after you left.

01:33 a.m. Vicky: Oh sorry to hear that. Can I ask what happened?

01:34 a.m. OMGLevi : Sure. Nothing major happened. I just didn't feel like getting intimate tonight. She got mad and we had a loud fight.

This fact made Vicky feel oddly elated. She internally chided herself for being so selfish.

01:34 a.m. Vicky : Oh.

01: 35 a.m. OMGLevi : Man even reading this is making me wince. Which hormonal teenager turns down sex?

Vicky bit her lip. I don't know. Me?

01: 36 a.m. OMGLevi : So forget about that, what did you want to talk to me about tonight?

01: 36 am. Vicky : I wanted to introduce myself to you. I am transferring to Clemondale High this Monday.

01: 37 a.m. OMGLevi :That's great! I go to that school, we might even be in the sane class.

Vicky had made sure they had every class together. Vicky had hacked into his schedule months ago.

01: 38 a.m. Vicky :Yes. ^_^

01: 38 a.m. OMGLevi :So... why did you want to speak to me in particular?

Vicky felt goosebumps form over her skin, but decided the time was not right for the truth yet.

01: 41 a.m. Vicky :I'll tell you someday soon.

01: 42 a.m. OMGLevi :Way to be mysterious. Okay then. Want to tell me why Paula Fannington's daughter wants to tell me the reason someday soon?

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