"I did not kick the baby out..."

"All of you leave and let me get on with my life, you said and that included me," he said. "The pressure you were feeling was from me, my friends and family invading your life and you didn't want it anymore. What do you expect me to do leave Theo there?"

I didn't answer.

"You didn't even return my calls, you got Mary to say you were not in when I knew you were and you returned my letter unopened. I poured my heart out in that letter and you sent it back. What did I ever do to you to deserve that treatment?"

"What letter?"

"You know what letter. I even arranged a solicitor to defend you and you tried to tell him his services were no longer required and you would pay for your own."

"I didn't want to be..."

"Be what? Owing me," he said and swore under his breath. "I admit to the world, in a court of law, that I love you and you don't say two words to me until you think I can help you avoid hospital treatment. You beckon me over and I think, this is it, she is going to tell me 'thank you', say she's missed me and she loves me too but no you tell me you need the toilet and ask how long it will take!"


"Then you raise my hope of reconciliation again by acknowledging that you heard the song and knew I meant it for you."

"I did and I loved it..."

"Bullshit. You snuck off on me when I was paying for the privileged of you seeing a private doctor and didn't even get a goodbye let alone a thank you."

"I said thank you to Thia."

"She didn't arrange it, pay for it, sit there worrying about you."

"I'm sorry, I am grateful."

"Spoilt!" he spat at me.

"I'm not spoilt," I replied shocked he had said it.

"I meant I have spoilt you. You end up surrounded by journalists and all you can say when I rescue you is 'don't be so heavy handed' and 'I will make my own way home'," he ranted.

"I was trying not to be a hindrance."

"Do you know what just don't talk to me!" he yelled.

"Edward..." I said reaching out a hand he swatted away.

He leant forward and pressed a button.

"Drop me to the hotel please," he said into the speaker.


"In fact I'll ride up front," he said and I felt the car pull over.

"Edward. Please let me explain."

"Just fuck off," he growled and stormed out of the car.

I launched out of the car. "Don't you tell me to fuck off," I started to thump him as I burst into tears and Piers pulled me off.

"That is enough, stop fighting. Victoria, he is a Prince!" Piers yelled.

"He is a dick head!" I yelled back.

"This is no sort of relationship, fighting in the street and swearing at each other," Piers said as Edward and I glared at each other. "It is over! It is time you accept that and move on."

Edward nodded and moved back towards that car.

"Victoria you travel in the front and Edward get in the back."

He opened the car door and shoved me in the passenger side. I looked at the driver and took the tissue he handed me as the door closed. Piers voice over the speaker told him to drive. He turned up the radio to drown out my sniffling and left me in my corner of the car for privacy.

My tummy rumbled ten minutes later remembering it hadn't eaten all day. When the driver offered to find a drive through to get me some food I shook my head and turned away as his kindness made a few more tears fall.

I was too tired to eat. The driver also noticed I was cold as he had put the heating on in my seat and passed me his jacket whilst at traffic lights to cover myself as I was getting very tired.

"Have a rest," he said I put my head to the side and started to drop off to sleep as I replayed Piers saying 'It's over', in my mind. The next thing I knew the driver was waking me and I was home. Piers opened the door.

"Here," he said helping me out. I passed back the jacket and said 'thank you' before reaching into my handbag for my keys.

"Miss Campbell can we get a quote from you on today's events?" a reporter asked stepping out of the shadows with the photographer clicking away.

Piers took my keys from my hand and walked me to the door.

"Is the prince staying with you tonight?"

"Does he live here now?"

Piers opened the door; I walked inside and closed it as he walked back to the car without a single word.

I walked upstairs, kicked my shoes off and crawled on the bed fully clothed pulling the quilt over me. I was physically, mentally and emotionally drained.

I knew I best have a bath as I had to clean my injuries and if I was going to have camera's in my face again tomorrow I didn't want to look a total tramp. I got up, stripped down to my underwear before grabbing a dressing gown as I felt paranoid about camera's peering through windows. I went the bathroom and rinsed the bath out with the showerhead. I stood in it to hang the showerhead back up and reach for my back scrubbing brush.

The phone rang. I decided to let the machinepicked up as it was probably some reporter again. I bent to put the plug in thebath when a huge noise shook around me. I felt myself smashed against the sideof the bath.+my+h�E^E4�

LOVE IS IN THE HEIR (COMPLETE)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα