
from: luke skywalker

sent: 12:08am

Of course you don't, sweets


As soon as I opened the last message from him, I jumped at the sound of something hitting one of my windows. I had two and one of them was open while the other was closed. Luckily enough, I didn't have rocks getting thrown through my open window.

I climbed out of bed, wrapping my blanket around my bare shoulders and putting both hands on my window sill and staring down at the blonde boy in my backyard.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-shouted.

"Your cloak looks nice," Luke said, a smile spreading across his face.

I glared at him, "Luke, come inside."

"How? I can't get to your window from here." He motioned towards the floor below me, which was my basement. If my house wasn't built on a small hill we wouldn't have the problem.

"How did you even know what window was mine?" I questioned. Luke had been outside my house before, but has never actually been inside so I was rather confused as to how he knew this.

"Well, one of them is open," He began, rocking back and forth on his heels. "I could hear Red Hot Chili Peppers coming through your window. I know you like them." He rubbed the back of his neck as he explained this, getting just a quick smile from me.

"Go around the other side." I told him. "Just use the front door."

"Won't your parents see me?" He asked. I simply rolled my eyes and left my window. I exited my room and headed towards my front door, unlocking it and opening it just as Luke walked around the corner.

"My dad isn't home." I informed him as he stopped walking just before coming inside.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What about your mom?" He asked.

"My mom doesn't live with us." I told him, opening the door wider so he could come in.

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants which hung low and loose on him. His t-shirt was just long enough to cover his waistband. His messy hair was opposite of the neat ponytail mine was in, but he looked more awake than me.

"Where's your dad?" He asked as I led him towards my room, my blanket still wrapped around my shoulders.

"Peru, currently. He's there for work," I said. I opened my door and went straight to my bed, sitting down and watching him examine my room.

"So you're home all alone?" He peered around my room, it wasn't very big but it have a lot of things.

"Yeah, well for the next week I am then he comes home for the weekend before leaving for another few weeks." I explained. He nodded as he sat down in the beanbag I had in the corner of my room that I've had since I was about 12.

"It must be great practically living by yourself." He chuckled, kicking his shoes off.

I wrapped my arms tighter around myself, "It's kinda weird. I'd prefer to live with my dad all the time, but what can I do."

"I'll live with you." He offered, getting me to roll my eyes at him again.

"That's a horrible idea," I said.

"What! Why?" He seemed offended by me telling him that two 17 years olds living together was a bad idea, buy I'm pretty sure he knew this was all playful.

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