He watches you

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Liam : He watches you, watching him, because there's something about the sparkle in your eyes, the roaring infatuation behind your beautiful eyes, it all is mesmerizing to him. He loves the way your cheeks turn a dark shade of pink, when you notice that he's watching you too, the way you bite down on your bottom lip, and smile shyly. He watches it all, and no matter how many times it happens, he finds himself falling in love with it. With you. Sometimes, he pretends to be asleep, just to feel your eyes on him, to feel the warmth it grants him. Other times, he can't help but open his eyes just to see you, to know that indeed, you like watching him too. 

Louis: Among the large crowds, skipping so many faces, until he finds yours, screaming his name, jumping up and down, cheering with the thousands on strangers, but his eyes only find you. They only see you. And that's enough for him. The way you encourage the few strangers around you to cheer harder, scream louder, jump higher, and it's never enough. It's never enough for you, and it never does him justice. And that very thought, brings the widest of all smiles onto his face. You think of him as something almost holy, and even though it's completely arrogant of him, but he loves it. He loves how you see him because he always wants to reach that, to become what you think of him. You give him something to look up to. So with an air-kiss, and a whispered "I love you", he returns to his game.

Niall: He watches as you bend down, smelling your perfectly cooked food, then humming in admiration. You're never a confident person, but when it comes to your cooking, you're always so proud, so sure of yourself, and that causes him to laugh. And he knows, he knows that his laughter will cause you to raise an eyebrow, stare at him in great arrogance that doesn't remotely resemble you, and he'd laugh harder. You'll threaten to not offer him any of the food, but your smile will be so wide, and you won't be able to contain it. He'll apologize, only to see your satisfied grin and your nod of acceptance. You'll then go back to your food and he'll continue watching you in utter affection.

Zayn: You sink into the crowd, socializing, with a gracious smile on your face, a smile that he falls in love with over and over again, a smile that he's sure nobody appreciates as much as he does. And he wonders, how did two opposites ever mold into one perfect whole? You are everything he's not, and he finds himself astonished by that very fact. Drowning in thought, he feels your eyes watching him, and when his caramel eyes meet your own, your concerned face reforms into an encouraging smile. A smile with teeth, one that he rarely offered, but he can't help but mirror it, because how can he ever not? And then it makes sense. You're so different, so unalike, and that's exactly why he found you, because you complete him, you compensate his every imperfection, his every flaw. You're his other half. His much better one at that. 

Harry: Your every move, the way your nose crinkles when you murder a good song, the way you then laugh on yourself. He marvels upon the way you throw your head back in laughter, laughter that is so sincere, so heartfelt, that he's sure it could save lives. He loves the way you then turn to him, searching his features for any judgement at all, but all you find is fake disgust, and a head-shake of disapproval, causing you to fall back into another fit of laughter. He can't help but smile, your laughter is always so contagious, and he finds pride in being the reason behind it. And the all too familiar sense of gratitude and thankfulness dawns on him, because he has no idea how he deserves you. 

Hope you all liked it :)

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-Muskaan xx ♥♥♥

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