Chapter 13

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*Jackson's POV*

I watched Diamond pass out. Then, all hell broke loose between the three of us.

Layla started screeching and ran off in a different direction, something about chasing someone or something. I can't comprehend banshee. Kate stayed and looked at the rock, studying it before going after her girlfriend. I, on the other hand, proceeded to pick Diamond and rush to my car.

His body slumped over while I took off down the street towards the nearest hospital. As soon as I walked in, three nurses came in with a stretcher and took him from me. I caught a couple of glares aimed at me from the hospital staff.

I sat there in the waiting room outside of room 302. I fidget when the doctor comes up to me, glaring too. Why is everyone glaring at me?!

"So, Jackson King?" I flinch at the harsh tone, but nod nonetheless.

He hums, still glaring but going on. "Diamond is fine, just a minor headache and wound that needed stitches. But, tell me, why did you of all people bring him to the hospital?"

I blink, disbelief clear on my face. "I'm his boyfriend."

He laughs at me, tears streaming down his face. Doctor-Dude calms himself down, straightening up and wiping away tears.

"Good one, kid. Diamond came here almost everyday up until a few weeks ago. What happened?" He inquires.

"Told people to back off of him, asked him out last week," I say again, all seriousness in my voice.

He stares at me. "You're serious?"

I nod. Doctor-Guy shakes his head, then motions for me to follow him. I glance at him warily at first, before going over to Diamond's side.

Hid beautiful violet eyes stare up at me, glazed over a little, and a smile lights up his whole face. I chuckle, him squealing and snuggling into me, and smile back.

"Adorable, but you need to know that we didn't put him under for his stitches. He's doped up on anesthesia. It'll wear off in a few hours," Doctor told me.

"Okay. I'll remember that. By the way, who are you? I'm tired of coming up with names in my head," I say, getting a laugh from the doctor.

"I'm Dr. Queen, Diamond's personal doctor," he replies, handing over a clipboard. "You can sign his release papers and then take him home. Just don't do certain things that might strain him."

A pink tint appears on my face while I sign the papers and hand them back over. I pick up my boyfriend, and leave the room. Diamond wraps himself around me, clinging on like a koala. I adjust him so he's on my back, but he starts choking me so he goes back to my hip instead.

"You're pretty!" I laugh at his cute giggles.

"Thanks. You are too, Gorgeous," I say back, stepping into the elevator. I press the ground level button, Diamond still babbling on about something, and wait for the doors to open again.

By the time I get back down to the front, the whole staff stopped glaring and gave me confused looks while I walked out to my car. I detach my bear from my body, buckling him in before he can pounce back on me, and run around to my side of the car.

"Hey, Layla," I say, calling up his sister.

"DON'T 'HEY LAYLA' ME! HOW'S MY BROTHER?!" I jerk away from the phone, regretting putting it on speaker.

"Relax, he's fine. Diamond," I say. He automatically looks at me, squealing. I laugh again, then turn back to the road, coming down his block. "He's high off of anesthesia, but he's fine." I coo at the adorable baby face look he gives me.

"I'll trust you on that. Take care of my brother while I find the shit who threw the rock at him," she tells me. Then she hangs up.

"Alright then, just leave me with my boyfriend who's high at the moment off of laughing gas. Thanks," I mutter. I drive through the gate, after getting questioned by a very serious looking man.

"Are you single?" I almost choke at the question, parking in his driveway.

"" I say, mostly asking though.

Tears well up in his beautiful eyes and he starts crying. I automatically try to hug him, but he pulls away from me.

"Don't touch me! You have a girlfriend already! Or a boyfriend!" He hiccups.

I laugh at him a little, swooping him into a hug and kissing his lips. "Yeah, that's you, babe."

His eyes widen, his cries stopping, and he squeals and kisses my cheek. I shake my head with a smile and unwrap myself from him. I get out the car, taking the keys out the ignition, and shut the door. I go over to Diamond's side and get him out of the car before he thinks that I left him.

"Come on, baby bear. We're taking you to your room," I say, picking him up again and walking towards the door.

"I live here?!" I nod and internally sigh.

Today's gonna be a long day of adorable cuteness that I probably should record. Yeah, I'm gonna record it.

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