Chapter 12

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*Diamond's POV*
I'm not apologizing to Kate. You might think that I should because I'm the one who started this fight, but I'm not going to. Layla's pissed at me, so she's giving me the silent treatment. I don't care. Julia won't let Kate take any of my shots for the next month, which means Fritz is back in business. Kate may have been a nicer photographer, but that doesn't mean that she's getting back so easily.

"Mr. Jacobson, I hope I am not boring you to death with my lecture, but pay attention in my class from now on." My bored and dull purple eyes meet the angry brown eyes of my teacher. The bell rang five minutes ago, signalling the end of the day.

Yeah, that's right. Purple. I took Kate's advice and decided to reveal myself. One step at a time of course. I'm not one to be swarmed by people asking for autographs and pictures and stuff, even though that's a part of my daily life.

"No, Sir. Just," I cut myself off with a sigh, "have a lot on my mind right now, and I'm just not sure what to do with it." I rub my face, not noticing the foundation that wipes off with my sleeve, before looking back up at Mr. Klein.

He does a double take on my face before he shakes his head. "Of course you do. You're Diamond Rephic."

I blanche, my eyes widening in fear, before I shakily clear my throat. "H-How d-did y-you know?" The words barely above a whisper, but he still hears them.

"You wiped off the makeup on your face when you rubbed it. It's okay though, I won't tell. But, I want to know what's on your mind. I used to be a psychologist, so I want to at least help you a little," he responds.

My throat feels like sandpaper when I try to swallow. "Well, Kate made a remark about me being too scared to reveal myself at school when we had only a month left, so I snapped at her and told her to watch herself. Then, my actual photographer told her to know her place or else she could be removed. I smirked at her fear before I left the room, being all prissy and mean. The only way I acted like that was because she started treating me like all of the other models. They always yelled at me and teased me, calling me a baby who doesn't know his place in the real world before shoving past me.

"I eventually stood up for myself, but they did too much damage to my self-esteem. I snapped at Kate because she treated me just like them, walking all over me and I couldn't do anything because I always had to be nice or else they would just go straight to the next magazine company and fake cry about how mean I was to them. My career would be over and I'd be shunned by everyone. I can't go through the same thing that I went through almost all of my years of high school."

I took in a deep breath before looking at Mr. Klein, who just stared at me blankly. I fidgeted with my hands and duck my head down, thinking that maybe dumping all of my problems on him was just a bad idea, when he cleared his throat. I looked up through my lashes and waited for him to say something.

"Well, Diamond. I believe that you were right to act the way you were, but you were terribly rude to Kate. I know you don't want to apologize, and I believe that you shouldn't have to and that she should, but I do know that your sister hates you at the moment for the way that you treated her girlfriend. But, in conclusion, you were right to act on your defense mechanism," Mr. Klein tells me.

I sigh, rubbing my face, wiping off all of the remaining makeup, and stand up. "I know you have something else you want to tell me. I know that I should apologize to Kate, but she hurt me in a way that bruises my self-esteem. I might have not acted like it, but it did. And it hurt me, a lot." Tears of my upcoming mental breakdown prick the back of my eyes and I rub them away, not wanting to cry in front of my teacher.

"It was what I wanted to say, but you said it first," he chuckles. "But, you can talk to me whenever you need to. Alright?"

I nod, then grab my backpack. I throw all of my stuff inside of it and leave the room. Walking down the empty hallway, I sigh again before running my hands through my hair. I truly hate myself, and I still do.

I groan before I head towards my car, not noticing the incoming flying object until it's too late. I land on the ground with a pained whine and hold my head while footsteps come rushing towards me.

"Hey, Diamond! Are you alright?!" I wave away the question as someone helps me up.

"Small headache, but I'm okay I guess," I respond, pulling away from the arms that held me up.

My eyes meet the icy blue ones that I so desperately love, a red tint appearing on my face. But, then the headache comes back and I feel like sitting back down on the ground.

So, I did. It wasn't the right choice, but I didn't think too much about it while me head was spinning. If I don't vomit now, I will later.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Jackson lifts my head up to meet his eyes.

I give a pained whimper and pull my head away as I put my head in between my knees and hold it there, hoping to stop the spinning of the world.

I swear the world is against me today, because here comes Layla and Kate. I ignore them in favor of looking at the object that hit me. A rock. A fucking rock hit me.

"Are you going to apologize now?" Layla asks me, glaring at my pained figure.

"Why'd you throw a rock at me?!" I whine, holding the offended area.

"I didn't throw a rock at you," she told me, her anger suddenly disappearing.

Layla grabs my hands and rips them away from my head, earning a sound of pain from me.

"You're bleeding!" I hold my hands in front of my face, then everything goes black.

A/N: I'm sorry. I suck as an author, but I'm slowly getting myself together again. I'm just not that good as I thought I was, but I'll finish.

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