Chapter Three

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Diamond's POV
I think spaced out for half the time, because Jane, my hair stylist, snapped at me.

"Diamond! Are you even paying attention?!" I snap out of my daydream and look at her.

"" I blush as I answer her. I think I was daydreaming too long, because they're supposed to leave in half an hour.

"Ugh! How are you supposed to pull off this photo shoot if you can't focus?!" She yells at me. I shrink away from her in guilt.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly.

I hate it when I can't do anything right. It sucks.

"It's fine. We'll just redo all of it," Cinna, my makeup stylist, says.

"Okay. Let's fix this," Jane says.

"Got it!" Danna and Damon, my twin clothes stylists, say in unison.

Four Hours Later...

"Well, we did it," Jane said. I nod as they pack up.

"I'm sorry I wasn't focused the first time," I say quietly.

"It's fine. You must have something on your mind, that's all. But next time, you better pay attention," Cinna says. I nod as they leave.

"Bye!" They call out.

"See ya!" I respond, making my way into the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of water and my phone on my way towards the back door. I walk outside and over to the chairs. I open up my water bottle as I sit down.

"BABY BROTHER!" I choke on my water as Layla scares me from behind.

I cough out all the water from my lungs while glaring at Layla, who's laughing her ass off. Kate stares as she pats my back. When my coughing fit is over, Layla stops laughing and catches her breath.

"The fuck you want?" I ask her.

"I need to use your makeup," she says.

"Why?" I ask suspiciously. Layla never asks to us my makeup unless she's planning something.

"Because! I need pink lips, and my lip products can't make them look like yours," she whines. I roll my eyes as I pull out my pink lip gloss.

Layla says that my lips are the splitting image of perfection. My lips are rose pink and are heart shaped. Layla says she'd die for my lips, but I don't care. I really don't need any lip gloss or lip stick, but I just like the shine.

"Here. Do not use it up. If you do, you are buying me five new ones," I say. She rolls her eyes as she takes the tube. My lip gloss is expensive.

"Fine! Thanks!" She says. She drags off Kate to God knows where, leaving myself alone. My phone rings as I pick it up.

"Diamond speaking," I say. I roll my eyes as I hear a squeal on the other side. Fans tend to call my phone when I'm not busy. I don't mind, I just wish they wouldn't call all the time.

"Hi! My name's Veronica! I'm a huge fan!" The girl on the other side squeals. I automatically scowl at her name as I recognize her voice.

Veronica is the school popular girl who has all the guys at her feet. Except for me. I hate her guts so much, that I just want to rip them out. She bullies the defenseless girls who are self-conscious about themselves.

"Hi Veronica. I'm assuming that you want something?" I ask as politely as I can, even though I want to hang up on her. Everyone wants something. I sometimes make guest appearances at girls' birthday parties because I can't say no.

"Yeah! Actually, I was wondering if you would want to make an appearance at my school tomorrow. I promise you only have to stay as long as you want to," she begs. I bite my lip as I weigh the pros and cons about this. "Please!" She adds.

"Sure. I'll be there tomorrow. But, since you're such a...nice person," I cringe at the word 'nice', "I'll stay for the whole day." I pull the phone away from my ear as she screams.

"Omg! Really?! Thank-You so much!" She says. Then, she hangs up.

"What did you just get yourself into, Diamond?" I ask myself aloud as I lean my head back.

'I'm going back to my fantasy about Jackson.' My mind floats back into 'The Land of Jackson' that I created and I let my worries fade away.

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