Chapter Seven

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*Hours Later*

Fuck work, I'm tired as hell. I trudge up the stairs to my lounge, not even acknowledging anybody else. I sit down in my chair once I make it to my room.

Three photo-shoots, Two fan meet and greets, a conversation with another magazine company, and finish my homework. Too much stuff on my plate, not enough time on my hands. 

*Next Day* 

My alarm clock blares loudly in my ear, waking me up. I flail my arms, falling on my face out my bed. I give the screaming device the stink eye before I throw it across the room, effectively shutting it off. I blow out a puff of air before I notice the sun rising through the curtains of the giant windows. 

'What time is it?!' I bolt up onto my feet and run towards the clock I threw. 


"FUCK! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" I run towards my closet and pull on the first thing I find, throwing my pajamas somewhere in the closet. 

I grab my backpack and keys to my car and rush out the door, locking it behind me. I take the stairs, elevator taking too long, and make it down to the lobby in record timing. I pass Stacy, the receptionist, on way towards the door. 

"Hey! Diamond! Where ya goin'? It's Saturday!" She yells after me. 

I skid to a stop. "...It's What?" 

"Sat-ur-day. No school, no rush, and also no work until tomorrow," Stacy tells me slowly. 

The look I give her is scary. "And no one thought to tell me this?" 

"You were busy and then you were sleeping, and no one wanted to bug you." Stacy fidgets when I start glaring at her. 

Slowly, I walk towards the elevator. I press the button that leads up to my room and wait patiently. I swear to god, I will kill anyone who tries to get in the way of my sleep. 

The elevator dings, signaling the stop on my floor. I walk towards my door, when I notice a girl standing there with her phone. I give her a fake smile and wave, causing her to squeal and run away down the hall. 

I shake my head and unlock the door to my lounge. Locking it behind me, I drop all of my stuff on the ground and chuck my shoes somewhere near the couches. I start walking towards the bathroom to shower, when I notice my face in the mirror. 

My eyes are emerald green, now violet once I take out the color contacts, and half my face is covered in light foundation. My light freckles show on side of my face, while the other side is completely covered. 

Gold brown hair sits unruly on top of my head, giving me a sex hair type look. I mess it up again, giving me a bad boy kind of look. I laugh at my attempt and shake my hair back into the sex hair look. 

Finally, rose pink lips tie together my whole face. They're slightly wet and darker from me biting them on the way down the stairs before. 

I love myself, my true self, but Jackson doesn't know who I am. I gaze into the eyes that stare back at mine, almost pleading with my reflection. "What does he see in me? In the nerdy side of the model?" I whisper. 

I hear a loud car horn down on the streets, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Holy shit, what was that?" I shake my head and walk into the bathroom. "More sleep. that's all I need." 

*After Shower and Putting Other PJ's Back On* 

I walk back over to my bed and crash down onto it, hitting unconsciousness almost immediately. 

*Bonus-Jackson's POV* 


I lie awake, staring at the ceiling while my thoughts run wild. 'Why can't I stop thinking about him? Why is Diamond always on my mind?' 

I sit up, sighing, and rub my hands over my face. 

My thoughts start up once again. 

Do I like him? I mean, yeah, he's cute. For a guy. His emerald green eyes seem to sparkle and shine when he's excited, his face is always smiling and glowing, and he always has this calm and serene aura/feeling around him. Diamond always bites those perfect rose pink, heart shaped lips of his when he's nervous. His perfect sun-kissed glows when the light shines upon him, making him look almost god-like. His movements hold grace and he's always been so agile. Diamond has this body of a model, but if you were to study him, you would notice that he has slightly defined curves. He's always been so different from everybody, but he's perfect. 

He's always been better than all those other girl and occasional guys that I pretended to want and went after. I've always loved the fact that he's so intelligent, so kind, so amazing, so... 

"Beautiful," I whisper aloud into the quiet air. 

Blinking slowly, I come back to reality. I groan and rub my hand over my face, trying to rub out any of the other thoughts that I have. 

"Fucking hell, I sound like such a love-sick fool." 

My throat suddenly dries, along with my mouth, as the reality of the situation suddenly hits me. 

"I'm in love with Diamond." My eyes widen at the realization, heart racing as fast as a raging river. 

Kill me now. Groaning internally, I lay back down and blow out a puff of air. "He doesn't like me, his affection is held by someone else. Not me. God fuck my life." 

I lie back down and stare at the ceiling for the whole rest of the night. 


Author's Note: Hey people, I'm back. I'm really sorry for leaving you guys hanging it October. I'm not gonna give you guys a crappy excuse, because it's absolute shit and I really don't have one. So, yeah. I'm gonna try to update every two weeks, so I'll update the week after next Saturday. Because my thoughts are messed up at the moment, it'll take me until that Saturday to write it. Thanks for sticking with this shitty book. Love You All and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MY DEAR READERS!!!! 

~Miss Author Genie

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