Chapter 8

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Diamond's POV

I hate Algebra. I don't know why I have to learn it, I sure as hell don't want to, and I already have a headache. I hear the teacher clear his throat. I look up and see his glare directed towards somewhere else other than me for the first time since the beginning of this year. (I usually sleep through his class, so he kind of resents me for that. I had too many detentions with that man to count)

"Jackson. I would appreciate it if you could please stop staring at Diamond and pay attention to my class," he says, loud and in front of everybody.

My face turns fifty shades of red. I look behind me, to my left, and catch Jackson looking at me for a split second before his face turns pink and his eyes dart towards the ground. I turn around and pull my hood over my head, slouching down in my seat.

"Oooh! Somebody has a crush!" Veronica, the now new head cheerleader, mocks. I still don't like her. She's a total bitch for no reason. Ever since Jackson dumped her before second period, she's been meaner than usual. But, my mind doesn't pay attention to the fact because my face is still red with embarrassment. Jackson's turns redder as he sinks down into his seat.

I swear, this has to be the most embarrassing moment since the whole tripping into a trash can thing. Don't ask. Everyone makes kissy faces at us and some suggestive noises-and movements-while I bury my face into my hands, wishing for the day to be over already. Can it end now please?

*Timeskip to end of the day*
The bell chimes loudly while everyone races down the halls towards the door. But, they all stop to tease me. I just have four days left. Four days until the weekend, and then I don't have to see anyone of these idiots. I can make it....I hope.

I shut my locker and make my way towards the front entrance, trying not to slam into anyone again. Or a locker.

"Hey Nerd!"

I tense up as I increase my speed until I start running, weaving around the sea of bodies. I'm not staying to be punched. Again.

I dart out of the door, and into the cool April air. I take in a deep breath before letting it out, slowing down to a walk as I cross the front lawn of the school.

Out of nowhere, I'm shoved up against a tree. I flip around and almost snarl at the group of people in front of me. Jackson and his little gang of flying monkeys surround all ends of me. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere but up the tree. I'm not doing that.

Julia's gonna kill me if I'm late again, and I'm not trying to die. "What do you want? And make it quick, I got somewhere to be." I eye the giant silver clock on the outside of the school.

"What? You got a date?" Helia asks, mocking me.

I send out a glare that makes them all flinch. "No. Unlike you guys who live off of your parents' money, I have an actual job. Make this quick because my assistant if going to be pissed if I'm late again." I bite down on the last few words that want to come out, but don't.

They all give me a blank look, except for the king himself, too high and mighty to look at someone like me. I roll my eyes at him and angle myself away from his view of my face. It may feel like I'm dying of the inside of heartbreak, but I will not stand next to him and feel like a peasant.

"Whatever. You, short stuff, are going to go out with our buddy Jack," Mikiel tells me.

I blanch for a moment before turning dark red. "Why would I do that?" I curse myself for stuttering while the flying monkeys smirk.

Jackson looks up briefly to see my red face, his face turning pink, before ducking his head back down again.

"Because. Jack needs to get Veronica off his back, and he can't do that without a certain someone helping him out. You just happened to be his center of attention while he was trying to get rid of her for months now," Jesse tells me just like how a parent would talk to a child.

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