Chapter Four

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Diamond's POV

'I really don't want to do this,' I complain inside of my head as I start to make my way to school. But, this time I'm the other Diamond and not Nerdy Diamond.

I pull up in front of the school twenty minutes later after debating with myself whether or not I should cancel. But, it's too late since I'm already here. Yay.

I park my car in the back of the parking lot and grab my phone and headphones. I can't bring my school bag since I'm supposed to be the model and not the nerd. I'm surprised people haven't figured who I am. My name is the same, and yet people haven't figured it out yet. What happened to the smartness that people had a long time ago? I have no idea.

I sigh as I force my body out of my car and out into the parking lot. And reality, which I call a living hell. I put on my shades and pull up the my hood of my jacket. I quickly make my way into the school, but not without getting a few stares in return. I'm wearing a black sleeveless hoodie and a grey and gold beanie. I have on a white sleeveless shirt, grey ombré jeans, blue and white converse, and a black belt.

I'm praying that Veronica isn't here today, but just my luck, she is. I mentally scream curses for answering the phone, and walk over to her. She looks at me in slight disgust and curiosity when I stop in front of her. I sigh and pull off my sunglasses and my hood.

"Oh my god! You came?!" She screams. I cringe at how loud she is as she hugs me.

I'm around her height, but she taller than me slightly because of her heels. I smile, trying not to grimace, as more people look over as us. She lets go and talks super fast. I smile and chuckle as she keeps talking.

"Slow down. I can't understand you," I say.

"Sorry! I'm just so excited that you actually came!" She said.

"Of course I did. You're a fan, and I'm always nice to my fans," I said, cracking a small smile.

"Thank you so much! Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to meet my friends?! They really love your work like I do!" She says hopefully. I nod and let her grab my arm and drag me off with her.

"Oh my god!"
"It's Diamond!"
"He's actually here!"
"He came to our school!"

I hear all of these comments as Veronica drags me through the school towards her class. Which is also my class. We both share the same classes, but I tend to make myself unnoticeable.

Veronica plops me down in the seat next to hers in the back, which also happens to be my seat too, and runs off to find her friends. Mr. Klaxon, the math teacher, stares at me in shock as I blush and wave.

"Hi there! I'm Kristin Klaxon," he says, shaking my hand as he walks up to me.

"Nice to meet you! I'm pretty sure you know who I am," I say, retracting my hand as he pulls his back. He chuckles and nods.

"I sure do. My daughter talks about all the time," he tells me. I blush as I scratch my head.

"Diamond Jacobson said he couldn't be here today. His parents are taking him to their modeling agency so that he knows how to run it when he inherits it," I tell him, taking him off of the topic of how he knows me.

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I'll let his other teachers know too," Mr. Klaxon says.

Finally the bell rings, signaling the start of class and the end of my alone time with nobody asking for autographs. People start to trickle in, then they stop talking and stare at me in shock.

"Whoa! Can I get an autograph?!" Someone asks me.

'Oh god. Here we go again,' I think. I put on a fake smile and start signing stuff.

After School...
I'm finally able to leave! I'm so glad that today is my day off, and it's Friday! I smile as I make my way over to my car, when Jackson stops me.

"Hey. Why were you at our school today? Veronica says it's because she called you and asked you to come here, but I doubt it," he asks me.

"Well, she's telling the truth. I'm always doing things for fans. Now, if you excuse me, I have a photo shoot to get to," I tell him.

I turn away and start my walk back to my car, when he grabs my hand. I blush as butterflies erupt in my stomach and I look him in the eye.

"Do you know if Diamond Jacobson is still on for our project tonight?" He asks me, almost reluctant to do so.

"U-umm...he can't!" I finally blurt out.

"Why not?" Jackson asks me angrily.

"I-H-He has to sh-shadow his p-parents at the a-agency today. Y-Yeah! That's it!" I make it up on the spot while trying to get away.

"Alright. I guess I'll see him there then," Jackson tell me.

My heart stops as my eyes widen in fear.

"Why?!" I almost shout in despair.

"My parents are interviewing you at the agency today and they want me to watch my little brother while they do that," he responds.

"Diamond won't be there when you arrive! He's! Umm! He has to go to a different agency with his parents to talk about a deal between them! Yeah! That's it!" I blurt out, trying to save my sorry secretive ass.

"But you just said-" Jackson starts.

"I know what I said and I was wrong!" I rush out as I yank my hand away.

"I'll see you later then," Jackson says while I run back to my car.

I hop in and start it up, driving to the agency. I'm so fucking screwed right now.

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