♣ Chapter 34 ♣

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One Week Later...

          With the weather at bay, the winds have eased and the rains calmed to nothing but mere drizzles. However, the sky still remains littered with dark clouds and thin rays of sunshine beams through small spaces between the clouds. Peeking through the window, I observe the condition of the surrounding yard–battered with broken branches strewn about and dirt decorating what was once the walkway up to the threshold of the house.

          Chloe appears at my side, peering out of the bedroom window, too.

          Just so you know...no, I'm not sleeping in the same room as her. Her bedroom just has a better view of the front lawns.

          Her arm wrapped around mine, she lets out a sigh as she takes in the downtrodden exterior. "That hurricane really did a number, didn't it?"

          "At least the house still stands and there weren't any complications over the past few days," I state. "Now, we can head out in search of David. Hopefully, he's still at the Lodge when we get there."

          As we head downstairs, Oliver glances up at me from in front of the television but doesn't say a word. Greg, however, enters the room from the kitchen with a ham sandwich in his hand and, arching a suspicious brow, says, "For people who constantly say 'There's nothing going on,' you seem to be around each other a lot."

          Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh. Not this again.

          "Maurice, did you contact Alexandria as yet?" Chloe asks, ignoring Greg's chivvy comments.

          Maurice blinks up at us and rises from the sofa, looking down at his wristwatch. "Yeah, she's supposed to be arriving any moment now."

          "You guys," Oliver says, now at the window. "She's here."

          "Everyone all set?" I ask.

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