“Don't call me Red.” I said instinctively.

“Rosebud, Little red, Rubylocks, Candle, Fireball, Firetruck, Strawberry.....I could keep going, Firecracker.” My hands tightened in small fists at the taunting smirk on his face.

“My nickname is Blaze.” I said, flattening my hands out on my jeans and studying the purple nail polish.

“Who gave you that nickname?”

“My friend, Ellen.”

“So what's your real name?” He asked. I glanced up from my hands and saw him looking at me. He looked genuinely curious.

“It's Am-”

I was cut off by a tanned body blocking my view of Russell.

“Hey, cutie.” Michelle purred. I rolled my eyes at her usual style and crossed my legs, looking straight forward. I knew I shouldn't of left Elliot and Ellen. I hopped up and smoothed out my hair. I took two steps forward and heard:

“Not interested.”

A smile exploded on my face as I walked throughout the house again to the room where I last saw Ellen and Elliot. They were in the corner leaning on the wall together. I walked over to them.

“Hey, Blaze. Where ya been?” Elliot greeted.

“Around.” I sighed. I wonder if I could convince them to go home...

“Blaze, really. You need to loosen up.” Ellen said, giving me a frustrated look. She took a can of beer from a cooler, opened it, and handed it to me. I took it and then looked up at her.

“I don't know...” I sloshed it around in it's can and made a face.

“Just try it.”

I sloshed it around again and then took a slight...sip. The bitter taste hit the tip of my tongue and I spat it back out on the blue carpet. I gargled my own spit and spat that out too. I heard the roaring laughter of Elliot and glared up at him. He shook his head and ran a hand through his dark hair.

“You aren't suppose to sip it.” He laughed. Ellen rolled her eyes at us both and took the beer from my hands.

“Next time, we'll try a better alcoholic drink.” She said, gulping down the rest of the beer. I looked around, wondering when next time would be. Elliot and Ellen goofed off for the next hour, occasionally getting me to dance with them. Things were getting a bit crowded so I walked out into the parking area where I left my car. I walked toward my black Sedan. I debated on sitting in it but then just decided on leaning against it.

“Party getting to you?”

I closed my eyes and rolled my neck toward the voice. Russell had his hands in his pockets and was a good two feet away from me.

“You could say that. What about you?” I sighed and decided to actually engage in conversation.

“I was never one for parties. Besides, you seemed more interesting.” My heart did that ridiculous pitter-pat thing.

“Sure.” I said, just to say something that wasn't cliché or cheesy. Or maybe it was. I ran a hand through my hair and started tapping rhythmically on my car.

“You come by that shade naturally?” He asked, taking a step forward.


“Your hair.” He nodded to where my hand was pulling through it.

“Yeah. It's not dyed or anything...” I trailed off and stopped touching my hair.

“I like it.” I looked up at him, surprised.

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