Liv sighed, she knew she wasn't going to win. "Can you get me a tuna sub?"

"Of course," Dean said. "I'll be back in a bit," he said as he got up from his seat. He looked over to his brother who hadn't said a word yet. "It's good to see you, sweetheart," he added as he walked towards the garage.

"You too," she called after him. Once he was gone, Liv walked over to where Sam was and stood in front of him. "Let's get out for a bit," she said softly. She could tell he's been cooped up in here for too long. He needed some fresh air. Besides, she had an idea of where she wanted to go.

"We don't have time for that!" Sam argued. He needed to find a way to get his girl back. There wasn't any room for down time.

"Just a quick ride into town," she pushed lightly.

"Liv, I get you want to help, but-,"

"Get in the Damn car, Samuel!" Liv barked cutting him off as she pointed towards the door.

Sam's eyes went wide. After two weeks of not seeing her, he forgot how scary she could be. He nodded and stood up so quickly he almost toppled over.

The two of them walked outside to where her Mustang was parked. They got in and she started the engine. The whole time, there was no exchange of words.

After she drove a mile or two down the road, Sam finally spoke.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To the ring store in town," Liv told him.

"Why?" He questioned. Sam had no clue why they would be going there at a time like this.

"Because, we're gonna get Hali back-," Liv started, but was cut off.

"How?" Sam sighed.

"Just listen," she said calmly. "We're gonna get her back. I don't know how yet, but we will." It was a small lie, because she wasn't giving up on her plan... it had to work. "And when she's home, you need that ring for her."

Sam thought back to when him and Liv discussed Hali's birthday before everything went to literal hell. He was going to get her a promise ring, and Liv was going to help him pick it out.

"Her birthday is tomorrow..." Liv started to say but tried not to think about it. "Look, I'm gonna help you like I said I would, and you're gonna give her that ring." She needed her best friend and Sam to be happy. She also was trying to give Sam some hope.

"What do I even promise her?" Sam asked. For a moment, he completely forgot that Hali was in hell. He was actually calm and could only think about giving her the gift.

"You promise her a life together, Sam," Liv explained. "That's all she wants." She knew her best friend better than anyone, and she knew that's all Hali hoped for in life.

Not too much later, they pulled up to the jewelry store. It wasn't one of the big names, but it still seemed classy.

"What if I don't find anything?" Sam asked worried. This whole ordeal was very important to him and he didn't want to screw it up.

"Trust me," Liv told him. "You'll find the right one, and you'll know it as soon as you lay eyes on it."

The two of them walked up to the brick building. As Sam opened the door, there was a bell that jingled. He held the door open for Liv and let her enter first. 'Cause at the end of the day, Sam Winchester was a gentleman.

"Thanks," Liv mumbled sweetly.

"How can I help you?" A blond, older woman, from behind the display counter, asked.

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