Chapter nine

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"What do you mean, they're my partners. Plus, they're great." I got up from my extremely messy bad brushing past Alex. Every since i started working with Connor and Hank, he seems more on edge than normal. Is he even capable of feeling jealous. My phone started to vibrate playing my ridiculous ringtone my friend set for me. I sighed before picking it up.

"Detective Brous, whats the problem?" I stated, already bored and still tired.

"Hello, Miss Brous. We needed to inform the trip to New Orleans will start today. The murders had gotten worse and non of our own detectives can figure it out." My eyes widen at the wild state before i recomposed my self.

"I have an android working on a deivant case, he is strickly only allowed to work on cases involving androids. I cant leave if he cant leave, along with lieutenant Hank Anderson." I moved to my bedroom closet setting my eyes on an outfit. It consisted of a blue button up and black jeans. To top it off, i pulled over a somewhat dark blue overcoat. While listening to the call on speaker I got dress totally ingnoring Alex who was till in the room.

"We think it might actually be an android. I dont think any human is capable of something of this extent. You have to see it for yourself." He said that and parted ways with me, that's when Alex spoke up softly.

"You're...leaving" He was surprised. I felt bad but shook the thought from my head. I quickly apologized to him before giving him a quick hug, with a small kiss on his cheek, he stopped talking.

"Im texting Hank that Sumo will be over, alright." I didnt even wait for him to answer before pratically running out the door. I climbed into my black jeep, driving off to the DPD.

Once i arrived, i sat in the car for a bit listening to some music. After about ten minutes i got out my car and waltzed into the police station but instead of going to Hanks desk, I went to the bathroom borrowing a pair of scissors from a random desk. It was a one person bathroom so i was the only there. I stared at my brown eyes accompaned with my light brown skin. My naturally long hair stopped just near my belly button. Great now its all going to be gone.

"I have to cut this off, its getting in my way." I tried to muster up the courage to start the first cut but i couldnt. Dammit, i shouldn't hesitate like this. I hurried and cut the first piece of hair. I did that while closing my eyes not wanting to witness my hair falling to the ground. My hair was gone. My eyes fluttered open to see my hair shoulder length. I decied to wet my hair with some water to wave it up. It didnt look to bad. I Held the rest of my long locks tying them together. The least i could do was donate them. I sighed already missing my long locks.

I walked towards Hank and Connor's desk seeing them discuss something. I go over and stand next to Connor without him noticing. That's when Hank almost chocked on his "non alcoholic" beverage.

"What the fuck happened to your hair!" His eyes widen at the sight of my short wavy hair that cupped my face. That's when Connor turned around facing me. His eyes looked over my face making me feel self conscious all of a sudden. He stared at me for a good three minutes until Hank intruppted his staring.

"You thinks shes pretty, Connor?" My face started to heat up causing me to look away. I was expecting Connor to ingnore the comment but instead he said something else i wasnt expecting.

"I think Miss Brous is very pretty, even without her long hair." Connor's voice was gentle as his eyes lingered longer on me. I silently smiled at him before remembering the important info i needed to tell them.

"Guys we have to leave today, i just notice now and i understand if you cant..." I pouted walking over to my temporary desk packing all the important files.

"Its fine, we weren't getting anything today anyway." Hank smiled before he nodded at his and Connor's luggage, already packed.

"Are you excited to leave Detroit, Connor? Come on, you have to be excited." I smiled wide, showing all my pearly whites. Connor seemed confused my by behavoir.

"If it means catching deviants than it is by no means necessary." I frown again, a little disappointed by the sad attempt of interest. I thought he would be excited or a least a little intrigued on what was going on outside of Michigan. Its like someone is controling him. Maybe im not too far odd. I dont necessarily think deviants are bad.

"I have the tickets in my bag. I got three so we should be good!"

"Miss Brous, androids are counted as luggage, there was no need to buy an extra plane ticket." Connor ruined my parade again.

"You're my partner, i treat all my partners with respect." I watched as Connor's LED flashed a sutle yellow and back to a vibrant blue.


A couple of hours go by before i was seated on the plane. Of course i get the short end of the stick and have to seat next to a stranger. Connor and Hank were assigned next to eachother while I sat across the walkway. I was content until a sweaty lady who seemed to be in her late 40s set down with me. The ordor she was amitting was atrocious. I gave a panicked glance a Hank before he shrugged his shoulders. About and hour into the flight, i was on my way to sleep when i felt the lady next to me put her hand on my thigh. I thought it was on accident so i brushed it off. I started to get really uncomforable.

"Umm, can you stop touching me?"

Connor's POV

My eyes fluttered open to see Amanda standing in front of me. She wore her usual attire and her hair up, braided into intricate little designs.

"Hello, Amanda." She didn't say anything back but instead walked over to a bench a sat down. She patted the seat next to her urshering me to come over.

"Tell me, how is working with Annabelle Brous so far?"

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