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You stared at the clock at the front of the room, watching the hands move in what seemed to be a torturously slow manner. Your fingers drummed against the wooden table as you half-listened, half-daydreamed while your professor discussed.

You were an ordinary girl, nothing was special about you. You lived alone, because you never knew who your parents were. You managed to survive in life and get yourself into school.

For some reason, you felt like someone was helping you.

But regardless of how ordinary you were, you felt, empty.

Like this was this part of you that you were looking for but you didn't know what exactly it was. The thought of it tortured you throughout your whole life, it never got in the way with things that you needed to do. But it was there, in the back of your mind.

It never left you.

You always had hazy memories, weird dreams that you wouldn't remember when you wake up.

Although, your friends had always called you strange. You always dismissed the idea of falling in love, commiting to someone. You always felt as though you needed to find that missing piece before you settled down or fell in love.

Until then, you weren't interested.

Finally, it was 4 o'clock. The bell had rung and you were the first stand up and stretch your arms. The teacher, who had still been discussing, looked at you with disapprovingly, but you didn't care.

You left the room in haste.

As you were walking down the hallways, on the way to the outside, you heard a couple of people murmuring.

"Hey, did you hear about the well near the street after this?" A girl began, her words seemed to catch your interest. "The one with the intricate designs and everything?" She continued, you stopped by the water fountain in order to further eavesdrop.

"Ah, the one where you drop coins and make a wish?" Her friend added with uncertainty.

"Yeah! That one," the other girl affirmed, "They said that your wishes really do come true!"

'Oh.' You couldn't help but think, you wiped your mouth on the sleeve of your shirt, not that it had gotten wet, you just did it out of habit. And made your way towards the exit.

You knew that well, you passed by it everytime you went to the grocery, but you never thought of it having any importance or anything. It was just some fancy display that the city put there, you couldn't even gather the water from it anymore.

'But it wouldn't help to try wishing.' Your thoughts pestered you, then you remembered that missing piece that was always at the back of your head. A feeling of hope had tugged at your heart that made you decide.

You were going to give it a shot. Regardless of how stupid it sounded.

As you walked through the numerous buildings and streets, you couldn't help but think how out of place the well seemed to be. You knew that it was antique.

From what you knew about it, it was a bored or a dug well, having been created years ago. Made by hand and it was constructed with stone. It also had a wooden roof-like cover where a bucket was hung along with the pulley system to get the water out of the well.

You arrived at the well, it was quiet. Strangely quiet. No matter how famous the well seemed to be, nobody had been there that day. You walked in front of it and shuffled through your uniform pockets to look for a coin.

You closed your eyes and grasped the coin, with the index finger and thumbs of both your hands.

"I wish that I would finally find that missing piece of me." You whispered, pouring all your hope and expectations into that silver coin. When you finished wishing, you threw it in.

Of course, as you had expected. Nothing happened.
But that was okay, you didn't really mind. You walked home, and along the way, your shoulder bumped against a tall figure. Not being in the mood, you muttered your apologies, not bothering to look at the individual's face.

You sat under your favorite in the entire campus. It's once vibrant and green leaves were turning into a beautiful and elegant orange and yellow. You had your sketchbook out, you were drawing the group of trees and benches were students sat to eat, study, or simply hang out.

"You have a good eye." A voice from behind had nearly caused you to ruin your drawing, you clicked your tongue and groaned in annoyance.

"I'm busy, go be a bother somewhere else." You simply said, you knew it was rude but you were just bitter that your wish didn't come true.

"I apologize, your royal highness," The voice seemed closer, you momentarily looked away from your sketchpad and turned to see a pair of beautiful onyx black eyes, set upon a pale yet charming face that had been enhanced with unruly black hair. Fine lips were pulled into a smirk as the individual sat beside you.

He was wearing the school uniform, he didn't look older than you but for some reason he seemed familiar.

"You seem... familiar?" You admitted, closely studying the individual's features. Your heart began to beat rapidly for some reason.

The individual shrugged which made you frustrated, "Maybe because you bumped into me yesterday." Your lips shaped into an 'o' when you realized he was the guy you accidentally hit yesterday.

"Sorry about that," You apologized, feeling guilty that you were being rude to the person twice now.

"When you bumped into me, I think that your keychain got detached." His hands went into his pocket when he pulled out a small brown ball plushie with eyes, a mouth, and legs. You gasped and you took it into your hands.

"Thank you for keeping it." A smirk crossed his features.

"You know, I was on the way to the famous well that everyone was talking about when I arrived," You cocked an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.
"But when I ran into you, I didn't really feel the need to anymore."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"I'm (Y/N), by the way." You introduced yourself, completely ignoring his previous statement.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi." He gave a warm smile when he said his name. You returned the smile.

And with that moment, you knew that your wish had been granted.

A/N - Wooh and that took forever to finish! Hahaha, second book in the Auric BTS series. :D I have another one coming up, this time it's about our favorite Jimin <3 Hope that you guys will check that out too! :D 

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