Chapter 13

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The next challenge had been a hunting competition, the one who would kill the most game would win. You couldn't bear to watch, you hated the idea of animals being killed. So you opted to stay in the dining room to wait instead.

Your thoughts had been filled with a certain genie. He dyed his hair once again, it was now blonde. He even offered to do your hair but your mother would freak.

He said something along the lines about casting a charm that would make her believe that it was your true hair color. It had been tempting but after he told you that it would be subtracted from the number of wishes you could have. You changed your mind.

He seemed relieved as well.

The moment that you saw your father sadly enter the room, you knew that it wasn't Jungkook who had won. So that narrowed your choices to three. Jin, Jimin, or Taehyung.

"Who won, father?" You asked him. Remembering the victorious smile on his face when the announcer had announced that Jungkook won the polo competition. You could have sworn that you read his thoughts.

"That's my boy!" Of course he couldn't say that aloud. The other members of the royal families of each kingdom had been there.

Your mother also played a part by stepping on the king's toes. It was a funny sight that you enjoyed replaying in your head.

"Prince Jin." He said, taking a seat on the chair where he normally sits. Your mother followed him soon after along with the different princes and their family members.

You stood up and curtsied. The queens praised you and fussed over you while the kings did the same. You welcomed the princes and looked over at Prince Jin who was the last to enter.

"Three cheers for you, Prince Jin." You teasingly said which brought upon a smile on his face. It didn't reach his eyes but he bowed.

"Thank you, Princess."

You and Jin didn't get to spend much time together, but during the times he would invite you for a picnic and he would bring his wonderful food, he would tell you a lot of things.

You actually weren't very surprised when your father informed you that Jin had won the competition, he did specialize in game meat. He said that prefered hunting his own ingredients and was very experienced in the said activity.

You also knew that he wasn't willing when he had to join the Battle Royale. But being the first born son and future heir had made it more of an obligation and not a choice.

You couldn't help but relate to him. You didn't have to tell him for him to know. But you didn't realize that you felt that way until you met Yoongi.

The door opened one last time to reveal the genie. You gave him a smile before returning to your own seat. He stood by the room watching things unfold.

You missed the sad smile that flashed on his face.

Despite how polite everyone was being, the moment that the five kingdoms sat across and beside each other, the atmosphere grew tense. You knew that the four kingdoms all saw each other as competition. Only your family had remained calm but you saw the knowing smiles each noble gave to their own family and the competitive looks they shared to the others.

You felt like you couldn't breathe, and you knew that Yoongi noticed this.

"Your royal highnesses, if I may interrupt," Your eyes widened when Yoongi fearlessly approached the table. All eyes turned towards him before he spoke again.

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