Ep 1 - "Bloodbath"

Start from the beginning

Leo grabbed an empty water bottle and matches, then bolted in the direction Travis had told him to go.

Rachel had her hands on a thin green blanket and a loaf of bread, and nimbly evaded Nyssa, disappearing down the slope to the woods.

Thalia and Jason each had a backpack, and turned to race for the woods. Annabeth followed, holding a box of basic medicine and a small plastic bag full of grapes. Jason was delayed by Meg, who grabbed for his pack.

Nyssa and Ethan fiercely grappled over an all-weather tent, with Ethan chucking a nearby thermos at her so she let go.

Nico went for a small paring knife laying on a black jacket halfway to the Cornucopia, but he got knocked down by an eager Bryce. Nico's token fell out of his pocket, and he dazedly got to his feet.

By then, the Careers had made it to the gold Cornucopia.

Piper burst out armed with a shiny dagger between her teeth and hands full of four throwing knives each. Clarisse was right behind her, wielding two spears.

Bryce snatched up a long knife and an axe, instantly going for Bianca, who was running past the Cornucopia with her sleeping bag.

Ethan had almost made it down the hill, but looked back just in time to get a dagger through the left eye and another in his lower back. Piper's next blade sliced a line in Thalia's shoulder.

Jason had decided to take off his backpack, letting Meg have it. Thalia gestured for him to hurry, and he followed her, "Go first! I'll catch up!"

Clarisse hurled her spear, and its point sank between directly Jason's shoulder blades, and he hit the dirt face-first.

"JASON!" Thalia howled. Annabeth's face was aghast, but she yanked at her friend, and they barely stumbled away to safety, Piper's fourth knife sailing over Annabeth's head as she ducked.

Bianca spotted Nico's toy figurine in the grass and bent down quickly, "Nico, you dropped —"

Bryce slashed Bianca in the back with his knife, and she fell hard on her side, crying out. He cackled aloud, stepping on her face as he sunk his axe into her chest.

"NO!" Nico screamed, stumbling towards her.

Clarisse made for Will Solace, who'd picked up a camo jacket. She struck him on the head with the butt of another spear, and as he flopped facedown into the earth, she stabbed downwards. He rolled out of the way and she missed his spine, but the javelin entered and exited his forearm, cracking through bone, and he shouted in pain.

She only had time to jerk it out — nearly taking his arm with it —  when Frank tackled her. The bloody spear went flying, and they rolled and fought fiercely as Will got to his feet, awkwardly running off and trying to wrap the jacket around his arm. He stopped halfway down the hill and scanned for Nico, but he spied Piper aiming a knife at him and had to retreat into the desert.

Frank began running to Hazel. Clarisse held her ribs, one of them fractured, but she grunted and picked up her weapon.

Meanwhile, Meg was downed as Silena slammed a spear through her heart. Then the Career hesitated, walking backwards. Frank shoved her to the ground and took the lifeless Meg's backpack. "Hazel! Come on!" Silena moaned on the grass, holding her head.

Hazel had a medicine kit clutched to her chest, and she yelled that she was coming, but was stopped by something she saw.

Bryce was wildly swinging his axe at Nico, and she dropped the kit and rushed to him, protectiveness flaring up in her.

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