Chapter 9

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Jack's POV - My eyes widened. Did.. Mark just say what I think he said? Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I never thought I meant that much to him, and this was all just a beautiful nightmare. "Wha..what did you say..?" Mark smiled wide and, while still keeping our positions, got close to my face and looked me in the eye. Nose touching said, "I said.. I love you too, Seán. My mother said she loves you, so I thought I'd let you know, too," he chuckled. I blinked, and the tears that were forming trickled down my cheeks. "Hey, hey, I don't think I'm THAT bad," he said, chuckling, and started kissing the tears that fell. "No.. it's not that... it's just.. despite what you said before, I still thought you only liked me because I was there for you this whole time. I never thought I would ever be good enough for you. You're perfect." I said, tears silently flowing. He looked concerned now. He gave me a hardened look, closed his eyes, and sighed. He got up and stood up, looking away from me. I sat up, confused, and wiped tears away, watching him. He was looking down now, fists clenched into a ball on his sides. "I'm perfect, huh?" He whispered just barely audible. He looked up, and he had silent tears. "Listen here, Jack. Despite social media and all my videos, there is something nobody, and I mean nobody, well, I guess besides Chica," he chuckled dryly at himself, "knows about me. Not my parents, not my American best friends, not even Amy. I'm not perfect. Im far from it." He kept looking down at his hands. While looking away, he used his right and gently touched his left arm without saying anything."I have my flaws. I'm egotistical, I'm kind of an asshole at times. I spend way too much on hair care products. I sometimes fuck up posting videos and they miss the timeliness. I care too much sometimes.." his jaw clenched but his hands released the fist formation. He breathes in shakily and im not sure what emotion hes feeling. He turned to me and his eyes are sad and scared. With a shaky voice he said, "I'll show you..", he hesitated, "One of my flaws..." his voice cracked, and I could see his hands physically shaking, although I couldn't tell why. Whether it was nervousness or holding back tears I couldnt tell. I watched him intently not sure what to do. I wanted to reach out and hug him and tell him itll be okay but im frozen in confusion and not wanting to ruin this. He reached up and put his hands in a criss cross in front him and put them on his side's of his shirt. He yanked up and pulled his shirt off.

I held back a moan as I marveled at how damn near perfect his body was. When I last seen him he wasn't as toned and fit. I could tell by his arms and shoulders even with a shirt on, but I know he's been working out and dieting so now he was almost like a sculptured God statue. His pecs were so perfectly aligned with his washboard abs. His arms were so toned and strong as if he could protect me from anything. But.. I noticed something on those arms. There were faint lines where there was lighter colored lines on his biceps. Some long, some short. So vertical, some horizontal. There were a couple of those on both arms. I was looking at his arms for a bit. I could feel his eyes burning into me but I didn't want to look at him. I never had any personal experience with it, but I knew that some fans who have said they had. They also told me I helped them cope with my videos, and it helped them stop. While inspecting him I noticed something. One of the lines looked different. It was red and not white like the others. I stood up and got closer. I noticed that it seemed fresh as the wound was a bit puffy. I looked at him, and his face was covered in tears, his head down and cheeks sunken a bit as I could tell he was biting down hard trying to hold back sobs. I  reached my hand out slowly towards his arm. He watched me but didnt protest. I touched the newest scar. He sucked in air and flinched a bit but didn't pull away. "Oh, Mark... I'm so sorry." He gasped and the tears streamed freely now as he started sobbing. He reached out his hands like a baby wanting to be picked up. He felt so small in that moment and I cried with him. I embraced him. I tightened my grip and put my hand on the back of his head, petting him softly. I shushed him as he cried into my shoulder. "Mark, I'm so sorry you felt like you didn't have another choice... I'm sorry you felt alone... I'm sorry I couldn't have met you sooner so I can help you and fall in love with you all over again.."

Mark's POV - Jack finished his sentence, and I looked at him. His eyes also had tears. They were mixed with sadness and empathy. He was as sensitive as I am and I can tell by his words they were genuine. I can feel my tears starting to dry as I stopped crying. Jack wiped away the remaining drops and smiled slightly. Jack kissed my cheek and said, "Sit. I'll go get you a washcloth and some paper plates," as he placed his hands on my shoulders and led me to the couch. I did as instructed, and he walked to the kitchen. I can hear him opening and closing cabinets and rummaging around. I quickly went to our shared room and stripped to only some loosely fitted Markiplier pajama bottoms and the one pair of "sexy" underwear that I conveniently packed. I silently ran back and sat as inconspicuous as I could. I heard his small steps as he rounded the corner. I heard him take in a breath. He got that really cute pink tinge in his cheeks again but didn't say anything. He set down the plates and handed me a warm cloth. "Thank you," I said with my low rumble. I let my hand linger a bit longer than I should and took the rag. He started distributing the pizza on plates and set it down in front of me. He also brought some cups filled with ice and dumped some Pepsi in them for each of us. He watched me intently as he started to slowly eat his pizza. I wiped my face with the rag. Since the rag was more than damp as I was done, I squeezed it a bit and let it drip on my chest letting a few drops hit my pecs and slide down. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and could see him get wide-eyed. It trickled down my chest, and I saw him bit his lip while trying not to look. He stayed pink and it was so quiet you could almost hear our quickened heartbeats. I could hear his breathing pick up as I ran my hands through my hair and stretched while flexing. I stopped teasing and grabbed my plate as i was actually hungry as fuck. "Thank you, handsome," I said in a deep voice. I started eating and watched him with hungry eyes.

He continued eating, but he watched me with lust in his eyes as he picked up a slice of pizza. He stared for a bit at it as if deciding something. He brought it to his lips, stopped, then kissed it. I chewed slowly as I watched. He then stuck his tongue out and flicked it like a cat drinking water. I can feel my lower half twitch as i knew what the brat was doing. He then turned the pizza and started licking the side. He ran his tongue along the side of the pizza a couple of times before before eating a bite gently. He licked his lips seductively while staring at me, lips glistening from spit and pizza grease. The fucking little tease.... He set his plate down and looked at me with hungry eyes. He smirked sexily as he reached for his glass and took a sip while continued staring at me. He then stretched and his shirt lifted a bit and I caught glimpse of his brown hair on his porcelain skin. I thought it was so damn hot. He knew ai was staring so he lifted his shirt a bit with his hand and spread his legs a bit more. I could see the full mast of his erection through his sweatpants. I looked in his eyes and his emerald eyes were on fire. He then threw me over the edge by sticking tongue out widely and licked the air slowly. "That's it," I said. I threw my plate down and jumped on him and hit my lips against his. I grabbed his hands and put them above his head while grinding against him. I bit his lip and explored his mouth with my tongue as he moaned loudly. I hopped off of him and scooped him up easily over my shoulder. While he squealed, "What are you doing?!" I spanked his ass and he yelped. "You want to be a naughty little tease? I'll show you what naughty little teases get." And I marched to our shared room.


You Saved Me (a Septiplier Fluff story) ~incomplete~ (Rewritten 2024)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon