Chapter 3

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Mark's POV - I ended up falling asleep after crying for a while in my recording chair. I sat up and rubbed my tear crusted face. I have a slight kink in my neck, and my back burns from the hard chest. I checked the time and realized I had slept for about two hours. "Goddammit! Here I go again, screwing everything up..." I mumbled to myself. I turn my phone on to check the time. I see I have a missed call and voicemail  from Jack. "He probably just wants to give me shit about coming in a few days.. Why would he care? Why would anyone care?" I ignore the voicemail and do what I intended to do. It's a little past 11:30pm, so I decide to make myself something to eat since it gives me something to do besides wallow in my pity before I book a flight to Ohio. I would normally drive, but I don't have days... Before heading to the kitchen, I go to the bathroom to look in the mirror. The wound on my arm is now puffy and dried now. I sigh and start the cleaning process. It takes me about fifteen minutes to cover the wound and protect it. I shake my head and go back to my recording studio to retrieve the device. I grab it, and I head to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich with some chips with a Dr. Pepper. I put the device back in place and then I sit down and start eating. I have a few bites and some chips left when my phone rings. My heart immediately sinks. I slowly grab my phone and check the screen. "Princess 😚👑" is calling. "Oh, thank god. Oh, shit.. I have to tell Amy..." I clear my throat of the "morning voice" and answer.

"Hey, sweetheart. It's a little late.. What's up?" I say. "Hey Mark.." Her voice sounds weird. It's almost like she's uncomfortable and is trying to find the right words. "Amy? What's wrong? Is everything okay?" She's quiet for what seems like minutes, but it's really like 10 seconds. She then says the last thing I need to hear. "Mark, you're an amazing guy, and I couldn't thank you enough for how you treated me, but I need to focus on me... I think it's best if we break up..." She finishes slowly. My heart dropped again, and my throat felt like closing. I was shocked, sad, hurt, but most of all.. lonely. The one person I thought I could talk to about this is gone now. I could feel the sandwich start to turn in my stomach as the feeling of nausea washed over me. "I would normally do this in person, but I just can't see you right now. Im so sorry. It's not you. It's me." I scoffed at that and gave a rough chuckle. If that's what you want. I won't stop you. I guess that's how things are meant to be. Good luck. Have a nice life." I finally said and hung up. I held the phone in my hand and stared. I couldn't process anything as I felt no emotions again. As much as I wanted to throw and smash my phone in a million pieces, I decided against it. I stared for a bit more before calling the airport and getting a ticket. The next flight that wasn't full was at 630am. I thanked them and hung up. I laid down on the couch, turned on the TV, and stared. There's no need to sleep now...

Jack's POV - I woke up a little while later. Only getting about 6 hours of sleep because all I could think about is Mark. I turn over and stretch while making a noise similar to a dying whale. I rub the sleepies out of my eyes and grab my phone. I decided to check Marks' profile again to see if he updated anything. I checked, and there's nothing new. Just a bunch of people in the same boat as me, concerned for Mark. I check the time. Almost half past 10. I sit up and find some pajama pants to put on. I debate on calling Mark. I mean, he's probably still asleep, right? I start walking to the kitchen to start some coffee, still debating. As I get to the opening to the kitchen I think, "Fuck it. The worst he can do is get mad for waking him. Or his phone is still turned off." I got to my call log and hit call. I listen for a few rings and say, "This is stupid. He's probably asleep and I'm being a giant douchebag." To my surprise I hear, "I know you are but what am I?" With a quiet chuckle.

"Mark? Oh, thank God. How are you? What's up? What's with that tweet?" I say, in one breath. I meant to space that put throughout the conversation but I was worried. There was a long pause before I can hear labored breaths, as if someone was trying to not to cry. "Mark?" I say, quietly.  "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.. im sorry. I didn't mean to -" Then I heard something that made my heart stop. "Jack.. He's.. in.. the.. hospital.." he says, in between sobs. "What? Who? Wade? Bob?" Sniff* Sniff* "No... My dad... It.. looks like.. He doesn't have.. much time.." he finishes the sentence, and bursts into loud sobs.

My eyes fill with tears..."Oh, Mark.. I'm so sorry." I sit silently listening to him cry. Finally, he musters enough breaths to breathe normally. "Thank you." I was taken back by that. "For what?" I asked. "For being there. Nobody besides fans has asked what was going on." That made me really sad for Mark. Something this important and he has nobody.. but wait.. that doesn't really make sense. "What about Amy?" I say, kinda silently. Mark takes in a hard breath. "She decided that today of all days, she was finally tired of my shit and broke up with me." He said, emotionless. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. Sad? Mad? Hurt, obviously. "But, you know what? Fuck her. I gave her everything she has and she just gives up?! Just like that?! I can't believe her. Yeah, thanks for wasting my fucking time, bitch!" He says, bluntly. We sit in awkward silence for a bit. He sighs then says, "Anyways, I have a flight to get ready for. I leave in a few hours to Ohio to see my dad." "Oh, right. Let me know when you land." "Thanks, Jack. I will. Talk to you later. Bye." "Bye." And we hang up. I look at my already packed bags and make my decision. I called and changed my flight to Ohio. Guess I'm leaving early.

A/N: Hey, so.. I love Amyplier, and for the sake of the story, Marks is extremely salty (which is understandable).

You Saved Me (a Septiplier Fluff story) ~incomplete~ (Rewritten 2024)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt