Chapter 12

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Mark's POV - I woke up just as the sun started to rise. I stretched as I was waking up. I opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed that Jack wasn't in bed. I sat up straighter and placed my hand there. I made a face because I started to get confused. The spot there was very cold as if he hadn't been in bed for hours. I sat all the way up and realized I was still naked. I turned and looked around the room. I noticed that his luggage was gone. I threw my blanket off and sprang out of bed. I grabbed my pajamas and whatever t-shirt was on the floor. I realized it was Jack's, and my heart started cracking. I ran out of my room and looked around. I noticed the pizza was gone, and a wine stained glass was in its place. I heard shuffling in the kitchen and the sounds of something cooking. I felt relieved and figured it was Jack cooking breakfast. I walked over, and as I rounded the corner, he said, "Why don't you come back to bed for a different kind of breakfast sausage?" With a lusty smirk. I stopped in embarrassment as I realized my mom was the one cooking. I flushed a deep scarlet, and she just rolled her eyes while going back to cooking. "Good morning, son. As you already know, I'm making breakfast. Why don't you clean up and get ready? I'll be done in fifteen minutes." She finished emotionless. I just stood and stared at her in confusion. She seems... indifferent? "Where's Jack?" I say. She hardens at this question a bit but relaxes immediately. "He left." She said bluntly. I was taken aback. He left? What does that mean? Why would he do that? "What do you mean, "he left"? When did he leave?" She turns the stove off and turns to me exasperated. "I mean, he left. He's not here. Gone." She said, annoyed. "He left last night a little after I came home from work. He said that he was leaving and not to contact him." Tears formed in my eyes. That doesn't sound like Seán.

Why would he just leave without saying anything? "I don't believe you." I said. Mom looked shocked. "Seán would not do that. I know him. He said he would be here for me no matter what." Mom just laughed dryly. "Hate to break it to you, Mark, but he did. You might as well forget about him because he's no good." She said harshly. There was a touch of venom in her voice.  I'm not sure why, but this made me really angry. I ran back to my room and grabbed my phone. I sat on my bed, and with shaky hands, I immediately dialed Seán and waited. It rang until voicemail the first time. I dialed again, but this time, it went straight to voicemail. I sat dumbfounded. I stared at my phone in disbelief. I decided to text him.
M- I love you, Seán. Please call me back.
M- Where are you? What happened? Why did you leave?
M- You know my father's funeral is today and I can't do this without you....
I noticed that my messages were saying "sent" but not delivered, which means he either blocked me or his phone is off. My hands were shaking now, and a teardrop fell on my screen. I didn't hear my mother come to the doorway until she spoke. "Son, forget this boy." She said with her arms crossed in front of her chest. She spoke so blunt and cold. "He left you in your time of need. You have me and your family." She walked forward with a fake plastered smile, arms outstretched. I looked her in the eyes, and something was different. I never noticed it before. Something in her eyes... Deviousness. I stood up quickly as if I had seen a ghost. My mom jumped back slightly in shock from my sudden movement, putting her hands down. I stared at her with fire boiling in my veins. I have never looked at my own mother like this before. She was a completely different person than the one I've known my whole life. "It was you." I said, venom staining my words. "You made him leave..." I said with confidence.

Mom's eyes widened, face falling slightly, but she fixed her demeanor back to her facade. "Don't be ridiculous, son." She said with fake offense. "I would NEVER do that. He left on his own accord. I tried to -" I cut her off. "No." I held my hand up to stop her from speaking. She had her mouth agape but closed it. I set my arm down and continued staring at her. I could see her fidgeting nervously under my gaze. "You know, thinking on it, this makes sense." I said lowly. "Why ALL of my previous girlfriends besides Amy mysteriously never worked out. Why they ALL seemed to leave or break up with me after meeting you." Mom opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off again. "Don't say another word." She shut her mouth again. "I'm not sure what you said to him, but you have no goddamn right to butt into my life! That man was everything I could have dreamed of and more! He put his heart on his sleeve and never expected anything in return! After everything he's done for me... and for you! How fucking DARE you?" Mom's face burned red and she became angry. "Don't you speak to your mother that way!" She pointed her finger at me and shook it. "You think I was going to let those women ruin your life like Barbara (Mark's first gf)?!" She began yelling. "You had your whole life ahead of you, and they held you back! I saw what she did to you and vowed to never let it happen again!" She had small tears from anger forming now. I stood and stared at her in shock. "That boy was no different! You are successful and popular, and anybody would want to take advantage of you! You need me to help you see clearly!" She stepped forward towards me. "I love you, son. I would do anything for you." And extended her arms again.

I was in such shock that I didn't react until she hugged me. I shook her off a bit roughly as I was in such disbelief. My own mother sabotaged the one person who brought light into my life when there was otherwise darkness. Sure, I had my fans and my career, but this was different.. Everyone needs someone to whom you can spend your life. She was taken aback by my doing so that she gasped quietly and her eyes were filled with hurt. "The fact that you feel like that is okay..." I shook my head. "How could you!?" I shouted. Mom whimpered and retracted. I know that what I'm doing is extremely disrespectful, but I can't help myself. My heart feels like its tearing apart and my head is spinning as if with grief. "He was the love of my life! And you drove him away!" I threw my phone down in anger. Thankfully, my room was carpeted, so it just made a thud and bounced away. Mom jumped back from me as if she was next and held her hands to her chest clutched together. I turned away in shame and put my hands on my head while I stared out my window. The very thought of that I scared her enough for her to react like that added on to the guilt and hurt I felt. I gritted my teeth in defeat, not knowing what to do. I heard a sniff from behind me, and I knew my mom was crying. I sighed and knew that despite what she did, two wrongs don't make a right. I know my mom meant well and she was right. Those women I brought home after my toxic relationship were actually no good. I never told my parents again because of the shame and guilt I had from letting those women abuse me. I would be slapped, punched, kicked. I was screamed at and belittled. It took a lot of therapy before I even let Amy into my life. I turned around slowly and she had tears flowing freely. She sniffed hard and took a coupl of  breaths. "I'm sorry, son." Mom said.

I was taken aback by that statement. "I didn't know how you felt about him." She looked at me with red eyes. They were filled with guilt and sadness. "I shouldn't have just reacted the way I have been for years." She took a couple of deep breaths and wiped her tears. "You're all I have now here in America. The thought that you could be struggling..." She trailed off. She straightened up and I see her eyes change as if a light switch turned on. This seemed like it was contentness? "Go after him, Mark," She stated firmly. My eyes widened at her remark. She stepped forward again. "Go after him and bring him back. Beg on your knees for my forgiveness. I will do any and everything I can to make it up to him." Tears streamed down my face in happiness. I reached out and hugged my mom. She gasped a little but hugged me back. "I'm sorry too Mama." I sniffed. "I shouldn't have yelled like that." I hugged her tighter. She sniffed back. "I forgive you." She then pulled away and looked me in my eyes. She then grabbed my right ear with her left arm and twisted it a little. "Ow! Ow!" I said. "But if you ever do that again, I'll ground you!" She said laughing joyously, then let go. I rubbed my ear and rolled my eyes. "I need to get dressed." And pointed to the door. She laughed and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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