Chapter 2

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Jack's POV
M- "Yeah, yeah. I promise I won't this time. See you soon!" I read the text and set my phone down. I roll my eyes at his "promise."
"Yeah, you promise." I put up my fingers to quote the word. "Kinda like you promised last time, ya douchebag." I chuckled with a sigh and shook my head. I check the time again and realize how late it is. I decided that I have time to record one or maybe two more videos before I should head to sleep for PAX. I record a couple of flash games as they're easy to edit and play just so I can top up on videos before I leave.

"Goddammit!" I yelled after I died playing Geometry Dash. The game is actually pretty challenging. After about 2 and a half hours of games, I say my final outro and shut off my recording. "Fuckin' Hell that took a lot longer than expected!" I stand, and stretch while yawning. "I should head to bed so my sleep schedule isn't fucked at PAX", I think to myself. I do my nightly routine of brushing teeth and putting on some clean shorts, grab my phone and lay down in my bed. My bed is so damn comfy. I have three comforters in case I get cold, as I sleep with the fan on, and like 5 pillows. My bed is memory foam too so it literally never wants me to leave. I open my phone and check social media for fun and check out cute fan art on Tumblr. I comment on some as I can't possibly go over every single one. Finally, I check Twitter, and just as I am about to exit the app, and go to sleep, something catches my eye.

Markiplier ✔: "I'm taking a hiatus for a little while, so videos will be slim, but mostly none. I apologize for the abrupt change in my schedule, but things come up. Please respect my privacy for now and will let you know when I'm ready. Thank you." 36 mins ago.

I looked at the tweet in confusion. "What's that even mean?" I thought. "He didn't mention anything before when we texted... What happened?" I'm lying there wondering about Mark, and my heart starts to hurt. It's an unfamiliar feeling. "That's weird... Why am I feeling so concerned for Mark? I mean, he's a good friend but this feeling is something different and I can't describe it." I check the time. It should be almost 7 pm in California. "I should call him and see what's going on..." I open my contacts and scroll to "Markiplurr 😗". It immediately goes to voicemail. I leave a message to have him call me when he gets a chance. I go through his Twitter account and see if he said anything before that could've led up to this. "Nope. Nothing. How strange.." I want to ask Bob and Wade to see if maybe Mark said something to them. I text both of them and hope I get a reply back. Bob probably won't reply right away since he's streaming, and Wade is getting ready for his wedding. I charge my phone and decide that I'll call Mark when I wake up tomorrow. I close my eyes and let my mind wander about Mark, and I drift off into an unrestful sleep.

Mark's POV - I've been sitting in the same spot for over an hour. The tears finally stopped, so my face is just crusty now. I just have been staring at my recording room wall. I tweeted out to everyone, and then I haven't moved. I got a lot of positive messages, and that made me feel... something. I'd rather feel than not at all because it just feels like a hole left with this news. I've been numb since that phone call.. all I can think about is my dad, and how I talked to him last..

The last time I saw him was Christmas a few months ago. I was with Amy, and we also brought Chica along, and she got to meet Buddi (R.I.P). It was Christmas Eve, and we were spending it with Dad's side that day. Amy and I were talking with my extended family, and by now, Dad's had about 4 too many. It would always worry me because with his meds and his leg he shouldnt be drinking but "it was a celebration" like he would say. He starts blabbering very loudly about me to my Aunt Rachel and how he wishes I made something of myself and stayed in college. How i "wasted my life" and would never be a strong family man like him. He was in the next room over but with his inebriation and voice carrying I heard him clearly. I grit my teeth in anger and make a fist. I knew my dad didn't support YouTube because he didn't understand it, and he was only acting this way because he was drunk, but dammit it still hurts. I can hear my mom scurry over and try to shush him. He just ignores her and keeps talking. By now, Amy has her hand on my shoulder and tries pulling me to a different room. Now, I don't know why today of all days affected me more than the other times, but I snapped. I pulled my shoulder out of Amy's grasp and marched into the other room.

"You have no Goddamn right to tell me how to live my life! I'm doing something that makes me happy, and I'm damn good at it!" I yelled. His eyes widened in shock with a slight gasp. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "Don't say another word!" I starting pointing my finger at him, "I don't know where you get off telling me what to do when you're a drunken, old, nobody vet that's washed up! I've put up with you putting me down for far too long! Stay out of my life and never talk to me again!" I screamed. The room was completely silent as everyone exchanged awkward glances. I grabbed Chica, who came over and told Amy to grab our bags. She gave a sad look towards my parents but did what I asked. My parents didn't say anything as we grabbed our stuff. My mom's eyes were wide and sad, while my dad's were red but shocked. I marched out of the house and set Chica down. Amy came out with our suitcase we shared and the extra bag of miscellaneous items. She got in, I turned the key, and we sped off. Amy and I talked about what happened the car ride to the hotel. I knew I shouldn't have said anything but my pride, man. My goddamn pride... My whole YouTube career, I've always felt like I wasn't doing enough or that I shouldn't continue on this path. When someone tells you your worst fear, sometimes that fear overcimes and you react irrationally... To this day, I've been ashamed of myself, but I ignored it. I talked with my mom after and apologized for my actions, and she said she and my dad forgave me, but he never told me himself. I knew he was hurt, and rightfully so, but he's also stubborn and hardheaded, so I knew he wouldn't forgive me so easily. I put my head in my hands and finally cried. All the guilt, sadness, and pain all leaked out. My chest hurt, and I held my head in my hands. I intake a sharp breath and stand. I go to the kitchen and hesitate. "Don't do this..." The voice in my head is telling me is not to, but I'm not sure how to deal with this pain. I reach into the drawer and go behind the false back to the secret compartment. There's a small sharp device that I haven't touched in years. I am hesitant again and get mad. I shake and scream. I go back to my gaming chair and sit. Chica is now looking at me with wide eyes, and I sob again. She kisses my hand, and I pet her softly. She figured this was enough and left the room. I breathed hard and rook my shirt off. I traced my scars and my upper arm and felt the bumps. I held the device so tight in my hand that my knuckles were white. I lifted it up with my right hand to my left arm. I screamed out and pressed against my skin firmly, horizontally. I went from corner to corner and felt the familiar pain again. I dropped the device, and it hit the floor with a loud clang. I held my head in my hands and just cried.

You Saved Me (a Septiplier Fluff story) ~incomplete~ (Rewritten 2024)Where stories live. Discover now