End it all

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Rachel stood tall like she always does but she was weak and her skin was pale. I knew she hadn't fully healed even though there was only one wound but because of that, she looked like a ghost.

I did stab her pretty deeply and looking at her made me feel guilty.

"You took my son away from me while your mother tried to steal my husband." She looked dead, "What a family." Her voice was calm though.

"Mother," I stood up to face her.

"I'm not your mother." She looked away, "Not anymore. It's over now." Her voice had no malice, no anger, no hate, "Take your things and leave." There was no emotion left in her voice, or perhaps, no emotions left for me.


"Enough," She looked at me, "It was bound to happen." She took an internal sigh, "To begin with, I never wanted you in this house but Mike's mind didn't allow him to face reality." The soft faint glow of orange allowed me to study her expressions, "His delusion made me think I could replace my son as well." There was a crack in her voice that was filled with sorrow when she spoke about her son.

She seemed lost, "But delusions are merely delusions." She raised her gaze to look at the big portrait of our family above the fireplace. It was a painting of me, Rachel, and dad. It was being illuminated a little, the shadows around it dancing, changing positions along with the fire that burned below it. It's a painting that brings me pain because whenever I see it, I feel lost, burdened, and guilty.

My heart was heavy, "Will you be alright?" Mom came and stood by my side.

Rachel chuckled at my words, "I've taken my anger out on you many times." She looked at me softly, "It's time we stopped."

"I accepted it as my punishment." There was a reason I did it. And I couldn't let go of what I did.

"Well then," She gave me a broken smile, "That punishment is over."

Over? How could it be over? It's not like we can bring Mael back now.

"But," My voice broke, "The treatment you were going to give Mael could have worked."

Because there was a chance that the new treatment could have worked on him. And because there was a chance of him living and becoming healthy again, I've always felt like a sinner. I took that chance away from him.

"It was a chance." She said, "It might never have worked." She stared at the painting with empty eyes.

"But, if it had. He would have lived." Mom came closer to me and held my hand.

The treatment wasn't an officially approved one. It was being performed illegally due to its high risks. It still isn't on the market.

"It's fine," She stepped back, further into the darkness, "Let's finish it. We've given each other enough pain." Her gaze dropped, "It's time to accept things and move on." Her voice started turning into a whisper, "Let our ill fate end here too."


"I'm sorry," Her apology left me frozen, "For the things I've done to you." My heartbeat slowed down unusually, "I've had enough now." Between the words there was dull silence, "We can't play this game anymore."



Our secrets were out now. I brought my hand to my chest. Even if I wanted to carry it on, I can't do it anymore. Our little family game of lies was over.

"I'm sorry," I gave it back to her, "I'm sorry for what I did," If I think about it, I never apologized for what I did, "It wasn't intentional." I looked at her vague figure in the dark. Tears welled up in my eyes as my heart trembled.

I never apologized for taking her son away from her. And I never really realized it either, "I'm really," My voice shook, "So sorry." I squeezed mom's hand and looked at my stepmother.

I wonder, could this also be the reason for Rachel's anger?

It's so strange.

All these years and we never properly talked about that incident. There was no apology, no explanation, and no relief, till this day.

"Did he ask for it?" Rachel asked but didn't elaborate yet she didn't need to. I understood the question.

She was asking if Mael asked me to cut that pipe for him.

"Yes...." I told her the truth and I don't know if she believed me or not but I could see that she was indeed really tired. Perhaps she just wanted it all to end.

A slight, broken, and sad smile appeared on her face, "I see," I wonder if my answer brought her some solace, or did it give her more pain? "I understand," She whispered, "You're free now." I heard her walk away, "Be gone by morning."


The rain stopped and I went to my room to grab some things I needed as a girl, put them in a bag, and walked out, leaving all the things that belonged to 'Mael' in that room in Alma's mansion.

I took mom's hand and before daybreak, we walked out of the mansion I had spent eight years in. And although it felt strange, it felt right too.

I didn't belong there. I wasn't even there as myself. I've lived my life here as someone else.


Taking a deep breath, I gave the place one last look and then walked out.

I was on the brink of confusion and despair. I had nowhere to go but I had to find shelter for mom as well. The house she was living in was already demolished and we didn't have another place to move into. I'm glad at least Amara wasn't stuck with us because this is a terrible situation.

I wonder, is there anyone I could ask for help?

I don't even have any proper friends, no female ones with whom mom would feel at ease too. The one I had- I sighed- Well, I guess it's a good thing Laina ended things on her own. I'm hoping we don't run into each other again. But, where do we go now?

I massaged my temples as we walked but my brain began to overheat.

This truly was the worst situation.


As we reached the gate, something pleasant appeared before my eyes. It was like the light at the end of a dark tunnel. A ray of hope. Someone who made me stop dead in my path.

"Eli," I called out his name with tears in my eyes.

He stood at the gate, waiting for me and my heart trembled when I saw him.

He opened his arm and smiled, "I'm waiting." I let go of my bag immediately and ran toward him. I jumped into his arms and found peace the moment I crashed into his embrace. I felt so much at peace that I melted into his embrace and snuggled against his chest.

"It's alright," He said as he wrapped his arms around me, "Don't be scared." He held me tightly. I raised my head to look at him. He stared back, "Grace," He called my name, my real name and I felt goosebumps all over my body, "I'm right here."

"You came." I smiled at him and recalled that he came there in the classroom too, to save me. I didn't notice because I had lost my senses but only he knows my real name and I clearly remember him calling out to me. To stand up and run, "Thank you." A tear slipped down my cheek.

He smiled and wiped the tear from my skin with his thumb but as he was about to say something, we were startled by a number of flashes that shot around us.

The sound of camera shutters made us look at the people who came to surround us and kept taking pictures, then began to bombard us with questions.

The paparazzi were here.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now