The beginning of my sins pt 2

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I sat on a chair in front of a single hospital bed. A sick child lay on it, with an oxygen mask on his face and tons of drips. He had his eyes open but occasionally closed them. I tried talking to him but he wouldn't reply. He would just stare at the ceiling and then close his eyes.

I just sat there for hours, looking at the pale bony kid who looked my age with the smell of medicine and chlorine constantly icking me.

"I'm Grace," I said for the 30th time.

"I know."


He finally answered and I perked up from the chair.

"Hi," I said, "The tall lady said you're my brother."

He closed his eyes, "Apparently," And said no more. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. I was about to ask him when the door opened and the tall lady entered the room. She looked at Mael and then at me.

"Did you meet with your brother?" She asked.

"Um, yes."

"What do you think? Wanna stay here?" She smiled, "Be some company for your family?"

"Umm," I shook my head lightly, "I want to go home."

"Home? This is your home now." She spoke in a demanding tone, "You will be staying here for the next few months."

"B-but-" Tears began dripping down my eyes, "I wanna go home!"

She raised her hand to hit me, "Quiet or else!" She glared at me, "I don't want useless tears."

I stopped myself from crying immediately,

"You will be staying here. This is your home. And I am your mom now. It's just for a few months." She looked like a beast to me, like a cheetah who could attack at any time.

"But my mom is-" I tried to correct her but she squeezed my cheeks between her right-hand fingers to make me shut up

"You better listen to everything I say or not only you but your real mom will get hurt too." She squeezed tighter and it hurt like hell, "Do you get it?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Good." She let me go and I dropped down on the floor since my legs gave out. She left the room and tears started dripping again.

That was extremely scary. I was genuinely terrified especially because at that time I had no idea that my soon-to-be stepmother had released her threatening Alpha pheromones.

All I knew was that I was suddenly terrified.

"Cry all you want." I heard Mael's soft voice. And even though I didn't know him at all, his words let my emotions come out and I cried like a little baby.

I was scared. To begin with, I was kidnapped, and then my mother was taken away from me, and now I'm being told I can't go back home? Someone else is going to be my mom?? Why? Just why!?! I want to go home!!

I sniffled and wiped the tears from my cheeks even though I kept getting them wet. Like the child that I was, my face turned red after crying my heart out and I had snot coming out of my nose that I cleaned up with the tissue lying next to the bed.

When I calmed down a bit I climbed up the chair and sat to face Mael again.

"This place is scary." I cleared my throat and sniffled one last time, "I wanna go home." I said.

Mael didn't reply. He just stared at the ceiling and soon the room turned eerily silent. The heart monitor was the only thing that made some sound and the room started feeling queasy after a few minutes. The added scent of chemicals was messing with my senses and my brain.

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