Rehearsal and play

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Hunter - Eli

Prince - Calix

Snow White- Naima

Evil Queen - Mael



We began our rehearsal and luckily most of the script was spoken by the narrator and the adult scenes weren't added in, not even the kiss of awakening between the prince and me.

As snow white and the prince came back to the Evil Queen's castle, the prince made his way to the Queen and professed his love for her.

"You?" The Queen said, "Love me?" I smirked, "Clearly you don't know who I am?" The Queen made a confident claim even though she was no longer what she once was.

"I don't care," The prince said, "I just want to be with you."

The Queen felt happy at his words but she wasn't satisfied. Because of the poisoned apple, she had lost her ability to do witchcraft. That meant, now she was an ordinary person who would age and now. What was she to do now? No one would want her in a few years if she really ages.

"Your majesty, choose me," The prince said, "I'm madly in love with you." Seeing the prince be so devoted to her moved her a little but just then the door opened and another man stormed in.

It was the hunter, who had somehow managed to escape confinement.

"No!" The hunter said, "My Queen," He came and kneeled down in front of her," It's always been me." He extended his hand towards me, "Choose me."

"I-," The evil queen was confused, "Why me? I'm older than both of you"

"I'm into older women." The prince said.

"I can only get it up with you." The hunter said, baffling everyone because that line wasn't in the script.

Killian, the tree in the background, laughed, "I love it. Add it in!" He couldn't even move right since he was in a stiff tree trunk.

"The hell!" I said but everyone seemed to like it, so it was added in.

In the end, the Queen really wanted to be loved crazily by someone. So she married the prince and let the hunter go since he wasn't of royal blood. Snow White, on the other hand, got her kingdom back and became a just ruler with her seven little husbands.


Time passed and just like that came Friday and we were on stage for the play but what I wasn't expecting was the dress the others had bought without my knowledge.

"Absolutely not!" I looked in horror at the dress that my classmates were hovering in front of me.

"Think about the extra credit we'll get for the effort!"

"No!" I readjusted my glasses again but Lia snatched them off me.

"You're not wearing these on stage." She ran off with them but before I could run after her, the others surrounded me, trying to force me to wear the dress.

"I'm a guy!" I protested, "The dress would look ridiculous on me!"

One of them grabbed my shirt trying to lift it up, "Come on!" They protested, "You'll look great."

"NO! NO, NO!" I kept my shirt in place when my hero showed up.

"Hey!" Calix stepped in to help me and my jaw dropped when I looked at him and it wasn't only me. Everyone was dazzled by him. In his elegant prince's attire along with his domineering princely aura, he looked amazing, "If he doesn't want to wear one." He stepped in front of me, "You can't force him."

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