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Eli was asleep on the sofa at the time I was leaving for class. He said he wanted to join classes again but I was looking at him, and he went ahead and fell asleep again.

I walked to the three-seater couch in the lounge, "Hey!" and called out to him, "Wake up!" He didn't even flinch. He was still like a corpse.

"Eli?" I crouched down next to him, "Do you plan on skipping class?" I stared at him. His chest rose and depressed as he breathed soundly. He was deep in sleep.

I sighed.

Must be because of the heavy medicine he's taking for his injuries. I leaned on the sofa and stared at him.

He really helped me calm down yesterday. I quietly slipped my finger into the space between his curled fingers. Then a smile spread across my face as the gentle warmth of his palm seeped into my fingers.

Is this how reassuring it means to have a mate? I looked at his face. Why then?? Why did we even abandon the ways of our ancestors? No power or wealth can compare to this comfort. Wouldn't it have been wonderful? If all of us had a destined pair? A mate that makes you feel safe?

I kept staring at him and suddenly embarrassing thoughts began to swirl around in my mind. Especially because I've started being really conscious around him.

I pursed my lips and looked around as if there was going to be someone else in the dorm room.

I then looked back at him again, "Aren't you going to wake up?" No response, "Hey!!" Yet again no response. He might be asleep under the influence of the medication he's on for his wounds.

My heart began to pound as it felt like it was the perfect opportunity to go unnoticed.

I leaned in closer to his face.

He talked about me finding him. This is what he meant, didn't he? For me to find my mate and that's him. Anytime something happened to me, he was always furious. This is why he was hurt when I was in pain or in danger.

I smiled, "I found you," I leaned in to kiss him, "My mate," But right before I did, I changed directions and kissed his cheek because I got embarrassed, just like last time when I confessed and only kissed his forehead.


I shook my head, then I stood up and ran away feeling shy.


I was awake the entire time. I felt like I was going to get hit at one point too but that never came. I only pretended to be asleep because I didn't feel like going to class even though I said I would.

I half sat up feeling a little overwhelmed

I didn't expect a kiss though....

After that, I frowned. She should have kissed me on the lips! Why the cheek? Is she a little kid?? Last time she kissed my forehead.

I sighed and shook my head, then groaned and laid back down.

How long would I have to wait for her to come and kiss me properly?


I adjusted my glasses and then pressed the button to look at the time on the screen saver during half time, when suddenly, right the next moment, my phone was out of my hand.


It was snatched away by the person behind me.

"This!" I turned around and saw Killian staring at the screen, "Who is this girl!" He pointed at Amara, "Who is this beside you!?"

"Why?" I glared at him and stood up from my seat to try to get my phone back

"You seem agitated," Calix said, "Just for a picture?"

"I really need to know." Killian's expressions were desperate.

"Give me my phone back," I demanded and tried to get it back but Killian raised it above its hand so I couldn't reach it.

"Not until you tell who this is." I tried to jump to grab it but Killian was a lot taller than me.

I raised my brows at him in anger, then kicked his shin making him bend down in pain, "Ow!" And snatched my phone back, "That's my sister you pervert."

His eyes went wide and he stood up straight again, "Sister..." He blinked a few times. "Wait? You have a sister?" He and Calix both looked at me with suspicious eyes.

"I mean," I panicked, "Since she's my father's ward, she's like a sister to me."

"Ah..." They both bought I let out a sigh of relief.


"I've been thinking," A large group of us stood at the front of the class looking at the three messing around at the end of class, "Even for an abnormal, isn't Mael too cute?" We watched as he sat back in his seat and took off his glasses to clean them.

"I know right? Even Alpha females aren't that cute." Surprisingly, others agreed.

"It makes me rethink things," Naima said,

"Like?" I looked at her

"How Eli doesn't let anyone touch him." Another one spoke.

"..." There was a moment of silence as everybody pondered on those words.

"Wait," They all got a sudden realization, "You mean, that?"

"I'm considering it."

"That's possible, he claims Mael is his prey but he's never done anything that would actually harm him," Niel spoke

"Oh... You're right." Lia nodded, "And they're roommates!"

"On top of that, you saw his back in the bath didn't you." I looked at the rest and then we all glanced at Mael again. No one could deny it, he looked like someone one could ravish.

"I was drunk, but I remember that sexy back."

"It was indeed quite seductive."

"Really?" Naima asked.

"You all sound kinda sus saying that." Lia shook her head at the men.

And the men laughed, "You'd want to fuck that behind too." It sort of excited everyone, "Especially because he smells nice too."

"Ah!" It was mutual agreement on everyone's part because Mael indeed smelled amazing.

"And recently, he's growing even more attractive," I said.

It wasn't that obvious before but recently there's been a change. With big eyes, soft skin, and those plump red lips, he's become prettier in the last few days.

"Right!" They all agreed in unison.

"It's like his charm it's," Niel paused, "He's blooming." The Alpha's bared their fangs at his words and smirked. It really does seem like that.

"But Eli won't let you get near him." Naima shook her head at us.

"There's Killian too, he is too loyal to Eli so he keeps an eye on the boy as well," I added.

"Doesn't that make Eli too possessive?"

"That's right." They all were thinking the same thing, "It's too suspicious."

"Alphas only get possessive over one thing like that."

They all got it.

"Omegas" They all laughed.

"But you can't deny it. I know everyone's felt it. It's like with each passing day," We all turned to look at Mael, "He's getting more alluring."

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang