Why now?

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I went to the dorm in a confused and ashamed state early in the morning. A little too early at that. The sun wasn't even up yet, the sky was still dark and I had made it back to the dorm. I entered the bedroom where I saw Eli asleep but the moment my eyes landed on him my legs crossed on their own as I felt tingly and my face flushed.

It's him!

My wolf jumped.

It's our mate!!

I shook my head.


How could this be!? I pursed my lips as I stared at him. If he really is my mate, why couldn't I feel it before? Why now all of the sudden?

Mate! My wolf insisted. Mate!!!


I gave in and walked to his bed to take a better look at his face but the moment I did, my heart skipped a beat. He looked so ravishing even though he was simply asleep.

My blush deepened.

Mael! What are you thinking!!? I shook my head and mentally cursed. I've been steadily feeling attracted to him but now suddenly, it feels like this attraction has burst open!

I gulped and looked at him again. My heartbeat began to accelerate as my desire to get closer to him increased.

I couldn't help it. Not after that lewd dream I had! It was uncontrollable and besides, he was asleep! He won't find out if I did something small, right?

Like a kiss?

I glanced at his eyes. He was definitely asleep.

I nodded to myself. I'll do it quickly.

I closed my eyes and went ahead. I planted my lips on him but immediately after I felt his body flinch. I shot my eyes open and saw Eli's eyes wide open, staring at me while I had my lips still on him.


I panicked so bad, I jumped backward, almost tripping and falling down but before that happened, I hit my body against my bed and slid down against it.

Ouch! That actually hurt!

"Th-that!?" I stuttered with my words while he sat up and faced me with his eyes still wide open, "You were awake!?" I looked back at him in fear.

"I am now," He slid down from the bed, onto the floor, and came closer to me. And although I was scared and panicked, I didn't have anywhere to run, I had a huge ass bed right behind me and Eli sat in front of me in a kneeled position now, "You kissed me." A smirk slowly appeared on his face as his eyes softened, "On your own." He looked triumphant. I could literally see the shine in his eyes.

"We-well," I looked around, everywhere but him, as if the answer I'm looking for was on the wall or something, "I-it was a mistake!" I blurted it out solely because there was nothing else coming to mind.

How else could I justify it when he caught me red-handed?

He smirked, "I know it wasn't," He replied calmly and leaned in further.

"What makes you say that!?" I tried to put on a brave front but I'm sure the blush on my cheeks wasn't helping.

"Because I'm getting a feeling that you've got the answer." He looked into my eyes while I tried to avoid his.

"..." I zipped my mouth shut

"Mael?" He called out to me, "You have the answer, don't you?" He talked in a low tone.

"..." I pursed my lips tighter and looked down.


"It doesn't make any sense." I pouted

His smile widened, "What doesn't make any sense?"

A frown appeared on my face as I gently bit my lower lip, "Why now?" I really didn't understand it. "Why can I feel you now?"

"...." He paused, "You're not gonna like the answer..."

"Just tell me." I looked at him.

"I threw away the pills you normally take."

"..." It took me a moment to process that information, then my eyes went wide, "What!?"

"Relax!" He raised his hands up next to his chest, "I replaced them with normal heat suppressants. The ones you were taking were killing your wolf."



"The pills were killing her...?"

"You had no idea huh?" He sighed, "I had a doctor look at them, so I'm sure of my information."

"I..." I processed the information, "See," It suddenly hit me. That's why she was able to come back., "I just thought she was gone because I stopped using my wolf side for so long."

Eli moved in closer, "Well, you have my answer now," He smirked and my brain alerted me of danger, "So," His grin widened, "You got your answer, didn't you?"

My body stiffened and I gulped as I avoided his gaze again. He tilted his head to be in my view but then I looked somewhere else with red cheeks.

"Mael?" He chuckled.

"What?" I felt warmer inside and brought my hands to the back of my neck.

"Your answer."

"I don't know..."

"But you do,"

I pursed my lips in nervousness and let out a whisper, "We're mates?" I blinked at him as the sun finally began to make the sky lighter with its rising. The dark room was now getting lighter as well. I said the words as if I were asking, probably because I needed confirmation, "We?" I was scared for some reason.

Perhaps because I was really attracted to him now and I was scared I might be wrong.

He moved his hands forward and gently cupped my face, "Mael," He called me by my name sweetly it made my heart melt. The look in his eyes was so soft, I could just get lost in those forest green eyes but what truly surprised me were his words, "We're mates." I felt my skin stand up as the goosebumps took all over, "we're a fated pair."

My heart started pounding at his words. My wolf jumped in excitement and I felt alive.

We're mates.

"Really?" I placed my hands on top of his, my fingers were cold but the moment they came in contact with his, I felt warm.

He passed me a toothy grin, "Really really," Something flickered in my chest, it was a giddy feeling but I understood why I suddenly started feeling so attracted to him.

I gulped and stared at his soft expressions and then right the next moment I was reminded of the wet dream I had not too long ago and my face poofed red.

He let out a soft snicker, "Can I kiss you?" He asked out of the blue!

"W-what!?" My mind was already in the gutter and he went ahead and asked something like that. Why would he ask that!? He never asked before!!!

"Uh-" I felt overwhelmed, "I guess?" His smile widened and he leaned in to plant his lips on mine while I began to fall into panic mode. Just as his lips brushed against mine a loud ringtone made him halt.

He sighed and stood up to grab his phone from his bedside, "I need to take this call," He looked at me and I nodded. Then he swiped the call button, "Yes?" He turned around and I stood up.


I think I needed that save!

I went to the bathroom to calm myself. And while I was at it, I decided to take a shower.

I took off my glasses, then my clothes, and stepped into the cold shower to bring my body temperature down. After I felt better, I dressed up and stepped back into the room but found it empty. In fact, the whole place was empty.

Eli was nowhere to be seen.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now