Make Love?

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"Why?" I couldn't just keep quiet, "I'm the one in trouble, you can just ignore me." I wanted answers. I don't know why but I wanted him to say something. There's something inside of me that's too excited and eager.

I looked at him with wide eyes. I told him I could just ignore him, but I can't deny how relieved I was when Eli came to my aid. So much that I think I'm losing my mind. I'm so disturbed by the whole thing that I want to stick to him like glue. It was when he came near me that I felt better. I didn't realize it until now but his scent was actually the thing that calmed me. The scent of rain, of nature.

I shook my head.

What is wrong with you Mael?! Is my mind slipping because I'm constantly exposed to Alphas? Is that messing with my mind? I don't know, I don't know!!

Eli's jaw clenched so hard I could see the vein pop in his neck, "I hate you-" His eyes glowed goldenly- no, they flickered between golden and green. It was like his wolf was acting up but he was trying to keep himself calm, "- so much."

My heart dropped immediately at his confession. I felt so bad when he said that.


I know he hates me, I hate him too... I think... But why? Why do I feel so bad? It was like something in my chest stung! My head started to hurt again and I felt like something was wrong again.

"Then why did you kiss me back?" I looked at him with mixed feelings. Feelings I wasn't sure of. What even was this? It was like I was sad that he said that.

His expression got softer.

"This is exactly why I hate you." His expression turned sorrowful, "Because you don't even know."


What was this? What was he saying? And with expressions like that!? Why does he look so broken? And why is this making me feel so bad? Why am I feeling downcast as well?

Just what is happening? I am so confused...

He then clenched his fists so tightly they turned white, "And someday I will lose it." He clenched his jaw. His pheromones seeped out of his body and that scent sent shivers down my spine.

He was now looking at me weirdly. It made me curl my toes and cover myself with my arms.

What's with that gaze?

He just threatened me so why do I feel sort of excited? I squirmed under his gaze and closed my legs and looked down at my thighs.

What is wrong with me? Everything is so messed up! One moment, I'm sad, the next I'm excited??? One moment he's angry and the other moment he's looking at me like that?!

He took a deep breath, "Don't test my patience Mael," His eyes shifted back to green, "Don't make me do things I'm being patient with." He turned to leave when I felt the urge to keep him with me.

I stood up, "What things?"

He walked toward the curtain and I followed, "You'll find out eventually." He gave me a short answer and I noticed that he was in a hurry to leave.

I grabbed his shirt making him stop, "Tell me now," I gripped the cloth tightly.

He glanced back at me and smirked, "I would love to." He licked his lips so sensually it made me feel weird, "But I won't,"

This time I growled at him in annoyance.

"You've been bullying me too." I said, "So why? Shouldn't you be glad someone joined in?" My heart stung at my own words. It felt like someone inside of me was whimpering.

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