My sister and my friend

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It was a pleasant day. The sun was up in the sky but the weather was windy with clouds so it was a good day to hang out, and since it was Friday, I decided to meet my sister and her high school friend.

I was the first one at the cafe we were meeting at. Laina reached a few minutes after me. It was my first time meeting her yet she immediately recognized me and came over with an excited expression on her face.

"Hey!" She came and hugged me like she had known me for ages and no doubt it was a little awkward for me but I managed, "How are you!?"

I nodded at her and smiled, then pointed at the seat for her to sit down. She happily took her place and I opened the notes app on my phone to talk to her.

'How are you?' I typed and showed it to her.

"I'm good," She was a little surprised to see that I was talking to her with my phone, "You know," There was a shine in her eyes, "I actually have something, a surprise, I'll tell you about it when Mael arrives-"

"Hey!" Her words got barely complete when my sister came running into the cafe, "Hope I'm not late." She came and sat directly in front of me while Laina was diagonal to us.

I shook my head and signed, 'We just got here too.'

"Oh!" She let out a sigh and sank into her chair but for some reason, it looked like she was a little disturbed. There was a slight frown on her face

"Oh!" Laina was shocked, "Mael, you're not wearing your glasses?" She eyed her, "You have really pretty eyes." I guess this is the first time she's seen her like this.

"Ah!" Sister hadn't realized it till the point it was pointed out, "Oh!" She touched her eyes to see that she really didn't have them on, "I must have forgotten..." She pursed her lips in distress and now I was sure something was wrong.

'Are you okay?' I asked her, 'You seem odd,'

She shook her head and signed back, 'Yeah, my pills were changed, that's all.'

'Your heat pills?' We were signing because we didn't want a third person involved in it, 'Your pills have never been changed though, don't they also work for your Alpha hormones? Why would those be changed? Isn't that dangerous?'

She nodded, 'Don't worry about it,' She smiled, 'I'm fine.'

I nodded in return, of course, this wasn't the time or place to talk about these things, we had a third person with us too after all.

Sis then looked at Laina, "What's wrong? You look pale." The frown already on her temples increased, "Are you feeling alright?" I looked at her too.

"No" Laina did seem a little pale, "Nothing,"

"Are you sure?" Sis half stood up and moved her hand towards her friends but Laina moved away.

"Mael," She forced a smile, "I'm fine!" She stood up, "I-uh," She gulped, "My mom just texted me and I need to go home urgently."

"Oh..." She sat back down on her seat, "Okay," She nodded, "We'll meet some other time then."

"Sure!" Laina then sped out of the cafe and we both watched her. After she was gone from sight my sister turned to look at me.

'That was weird,' She signed.

I nodded, 'She acted a little odd.'

"Well," She smiled at me, "We get to spend time among ourselves."

I smiled back and nodded.

To begin with, I wanted it to be only us but I knew she had to manage her time and decided to call her friend in as well and that's the only reason I agreed. I'm not comfortable with new people to begin with.

But I wonder, she did say she had a surprise and she left without talking about it further.


I bit my thumbnail in anxiety. Each passing day fills me with dread and my mind is full of dark thoughts.

"Eli is absent without notice." Mr.Owen was concerned, "Again," He sighed, "Does anyone know where he is?" He looked at me and I shook my head. He looked at Killian and he shook his head as well.

His family was contacted as well and no one knows where he went. The police haven't been involved yet since Eli has a history of disappearing out of the blue, only to come back on his own.

But this doesn't seem right. Even if he liked to dissipate like magic, his father told Mr. Owen that he always comes back after one or two days.

It's been days! Where could he be? I didn't leave the dorm on the weekend either just in case he came back or tried to contact me. My doctor called me to come in but I excused myself from that too. It's been weeks now since I last got my injection and I've been off my pills for a while too. I hope nothing goes wrong there but I already have a lot on my mind.

Where could he be?

He disappeared out of the blue!? I'm sure he went to meet Horis's group so why isn't he back?

He can't just disappear like that!? But, it's been days!

It's not because of me, is it? I'm so anxious.

I bit my thumbnail

What if he's not here because of me? Because he ended up in a mess trying to protect me and now decided to reject me?

"Mael," Calix placed his hand on my shoulder, "Calm down," I looked at him with fearful eyes, "He's fine, I'm sure of it." He tried to reassure me but of course, it wasn't going to work, "And you keep forgetting your glasses." He passed me the pair he picked up from my room when he came to pick me up for class.

I took them from him, "Thanks," And wore them. Then I tried to focus on the class but it was impossible.

My thoughts just wouldn't leave Eli and the pain and dread he brought along. I was so occupied with one person that I failed to notice how many others were looking at me.

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