Chapter 10: jealous

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The next night I found myself  walking  around campus with a smiling Ayato by my side.

"OK so you're  telling me that you of all people actually managed to get sick and still tried argue with shu?  Who even does that?" The handsome redhead only laughed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Yeah I know that was kinda stupid."

"No shit sherlock!"I explained before laughing at the thought of a sleepy eyed Ayato trying to bicker with an annoyed shu.

"What about you? What stupid thing did you do when you were younger?" The air around us went silent as I searched through my memory to a time that I'd done something  completely foolish.  Just then my eyes lit up with recognition.

"When I was younger I jumped off a 7 story building in a sad attempt to fly."

"You what?" And so I began to recall the silly memory completely unaware  of the fact that my mythical friend wasn't even paying attention.

(Ayato p.o.v)

I watched (y/n) in complete wonder as she told her story. She was beautiful with her soft pink lips and sparkling (e/c) eyes. I found myself lost in her beauty and began to regret everything I'd done that had wounded her so deeply.

She wasmine in my own mind, and as far as I was  concerned Yuma was only  borrowing her. My mood changed fri😟n regret to anger at the very thought of the brunette who'd been so foolish as to court herwhen she was clearly mine.

I'd take care of her,  love her and never let her go while Yuma only knew how to touch her. Even if I'd hurt this beautiful angel before, she still belonged to me and I found myself prepared to do any and everything to redeem her heart and bring it back to me.

Suddenly, I saw a hand wave past my face and was forced to leave my thoughts to themselves.

"Hello~ Earth to Ayato."

"Yeah?" (Y/n) 's eyes reflected worry as she looked up at me.

"Are you OK?  You seem kind of lost or something." I smiled and shook my head reassuringly.

"I'm fine don't worry. I just got lost in thought." At this a pout formed on the lovely girl's lips.

"So you didn't hear my awesome story?" I nervously laughed and opened my mouth to say something, however I was interrupted by the sight of two arms wrapping around (y/n)'s waist.

"Hey sweetheart." I quickly shut my mouth and struggled not to gag at the hideous sight. To my dismay she leaned into his embraced and giggled like a child.
"Hey Yuma, what's up?"

"I was bored."

"Then you want to walk with me?" My body stiffened and I cleared my throat to catch the 'couple's' attention.

"I've got somewhere to go,  laito just called me." They both nodded in understanding  and

I quickly walked off struggling not to let out a yell of frustration.

What Desire (Ayato X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant