Chapter 2: Possible Relief?

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The very next night, i awoke to the sound of water running. I cautiously looked to my side to see shuu gone and guessed that he was the one bathing. Slowly i uncovered myself from the sheets and left the room to go to Ayato's in hopes of getting my clothes for school and leaving though it seemed as if fate had other plans for me because as soon as i entered, i was pinned up against the wall and small nips were being made on my neck.

"Who else touched you?" growled a voice next to my ear. Already knowing who it was, i carefully pushed him away and continued on my quest to find my clothes.

"Ayato, i'm not in the mood right now, and since when do you care?"

"I saw you first, remember?"

"And? the same things goes for Yui, the only difference between us is that you took me for your own." When i finally found what i was looking for, i went into the scarlet red bathroom to bathe but instead of getting the privacy i thought i'd earned, arms wrapped around me from behind. i gave a small sigh and reluctantly faced Ayato.

"Please leave me be, just for tonight. I have exams and i really don't need the distraction."

"Well i guess you'll have to call out sick." my eyes became watery as i caught onto what he was saying. 'I don't want you anymore.'

"Please Ayato, i can't miss today, can it wait until tomorrow?"

"I love it when you're defiant but right now you've just about crossed the line." his voice was low and his accent had slightly weakened, showing that it was best for me not to disobey his command. And so, i went along with his plans and allowed him to use me as many times as he wished. What seemed like days were actually minutes and hours some how turned into years.

By the time we were done, the others had comeback and dinner was ready. As i lay in bed next to the sleeping vampire, i couldn't help but think of our....more fond memories and allowed myself to smile for the first time in his presence but the moment was ruined by the sound of the door knob turning. i quickly jumped out of bed and slammed the door to the bathroom which seemed to effectively awaken Ayato.

Two muffled voices reached my ears and suddenly Subaru was standing in front of me. His bright red eyes slightly softened at my quaking form though the moment was short lived as i was quickly pulled into his arms and whisked into the dining room. When i was placed into one of the chairs i looked down to see that somehow, i was already dressed in a (f/c) shirt and a white skirt.

Ayato was the only one who wasn't at the table and yui was sitting at a corner quietly eating and trying to stay clear of a teasing laito though that was really everything that went on at the moment. I let out a low sigh and stood up with the intention of leaving but instead the very same man that had brought me here, spoke.

"I didn't bring you here just for you to leave."

"Well, that's exactly what i'm doing. If you want to come and test my theory then i'd be happy to entertain you." i sassily put my hand on my hip and gave a glare. Despite the fact that i was practically shaking with fear, i refused to sit down. 'I have already reached my limit on the sh*t i can deal with for today. Meaning that there's no way in hell that i'm going to sit with the very monsters that trap me here.' i forced myself not to shiver as i remembered the day that i had accidentally stumbled upon this manor in hopes of finding shelter from the snow but sadly lady luck turned her back on me and now i was stuck here.

"(y/n) sit down, i'm really not in the mood for your antics at the moment." i snapped my head to reiji who tiredly rubbed his head but if i'm being honest, he seemed to be the only one who didn't want me to continue since everyone else was watching intently including shuu.

"Reiji, shut the hell up, at least i've had sex in the past decade." The noir haired vampire's eyes went red as an effect of my comment and Laito gave a small chuckle.

"Do you not remember your place? You are nothing but a source of food to us."

"Yeah? Well how come you allow Ayato to abuse me to the point where i become depressed and on the brink of death? I hope you know that the blood of a depressed person happens to be very bitter!" i allowed a growl escaped my throat to emphasis the word bitter. I don't like him, I want him to leave me alone and I swear that if you don't keep that sorry excuse of a man from touching me, then i'll kill myself and you're going to have to lick my 'oh so precious' blood off of the floor!" At the sound of this, everyone stood up and gave me a deadly stare. Compared to yui's, my blood was like an addictive wine that no one could find anywhere else and to be honest my blood was the only bit of control that i had over the Sakamaki brother's.

We stood like that for a while until reiji decided to agree with my terms and banned Ayato from using me.
This meant that while everyone indulged on me,

the monstrosity that had somehow fooled me with his charms, indulged on yui.

What Desire (Ayato X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang