Chapter 4: I'm Sick and He's Being 'Nice'

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"Don't touch me!" My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up. I quickly looked to my side in fear of seeing Ayato there but instead I saw...

"Laito?" The sleeping vampire snuggled closer to me and left a small kiss on my side.  

"I miss you, (y/n). I didn't mean to hurt you so much." Again I felt a kiss on my side but this time it was much more wanting. 

"Laito, what are you...."

"I love you (y/n) so so much. I only hurt you so that you would be too afraid to leave me." Curious of what Laito was saying, I slightly moved away to see his face though what I saw wasn't expected and caused me to jump off the bed.

"Ayato!" At the feeling of the cold marble on my bottom, I looked down to see that I no longer had on my (f/c) undergarments. 

"What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything, you seduced me and next thing I know, we're naked and your beautiful body is riding mine. The devilish red head calmly got off of bed to reveal his own nakedness and began to walk to me.

"Please, don't!" I don't want you anymore!"


I flashed open my eyes to see the lights on and Reiji sitting next to me, reading a book on chemistry. The adrenaline from my dream still ran trough my veins causing a shrill scream to leave my lips. 

"That's a first." muttered the noir. I gave him an odd look and he explained.

"That was the first time that you've screamed."

"No, I screamed yesterday, with Shuu and when I first came here." 

"When you first came here that was a yell ,not a scream and yes there is a difference. Also on the matter with Shuu, i'm sure it was from surprise not terror, like you felt just now.

"Oh." The room was once again quiet until I looked up on the wall to see the time. "Oh my...I am so late to school, i have to..."

"You're extremely ill even though you don't feel it. In fact you're so ill that if you dared to touch the floor, your condition would become near fatal." At this, I paused in my actions.

"W-what? Where's everyone else?"

"They all went to school. Now shut up or else I might punish you." Knowing better than to reply, I lay back down and tried to fall asleep again though my stomach grumbled as a reminder that I still hadn't eaten yet.


"Here, you can't eat right now so you have to drink this." I thankfully took the glass of clear liquid that he had given me and went to drink it but paused when I remembered what he did to Yui.

"I didn't poison it." he assured. "It's just breakfast from this morning though what you have there is the bare nutrients Along with some water." 

".....Fine but if I die i'll kill you." As I drank the tasteless beverage, the vampire across from me rolled his eyes and pushed up his glasses.

"That statement makes no sense whatsoever."

"Yeah and I bet you wished you poisoned it too." No response. Seeing that I was being ignored, I leaned over to his chair and carefully climbed onto his lap. This seemed to get his attention as he looked up at me.

"What are you doing?" sighed the red eyed blood sucker. Rather than answering, I placed his book on a nearby table and enveloped him in a hug. 

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"I'm only doing this because...."

"You secretly admire my personality. Yeah I know."

"No, i'm only doing this because you're sweet."

"Same diff."

"I was referring to your blood."

"Mhmm sure." 

"Whatever." The room was silent for awhile and I refused to let him go. Taking note of this, he sighed and returned my gesture. A shiver ran up my spine from the low temperature of his hands on my bareback.

"Who stripped me into my underwear?" 

"Shuu, did before he left." I hummed and slightly tightened my grip while he continued on. "You know, you're the first person he's ever treated as family."

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious."

And so, we just sat there waiting for the others to comeback home.

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