Chapter 9: His Regret

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heh....don't kill me. I was just super busy.........sorry


The next night, I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling boredly. I had nothing to do and now that my blood wasn't as sweet as before, I couldn't bribe Shu for another cuddling session. I sighed loudly and rolled onto my stomach only to scream and jump off of the bed at the sight of Ayato sitting beside me.  

A sultry laugh left his lips and I couldn't  stop the blush that covered my soft (s/c)  cheeks.

"K-knock next time!" I stutter a bit and his laughter fades into a light chuckle as he lay on his back and hung over the side of the bed making his scarlet colored haired seemingly float underneath him.

"Could I have startled a certain half-blood?" I glare at him and stand up.

"If I was changing..."

"I've seen you naked and moaning countless times." I roll my eyes.

"Not  like I enjoyed any of those times. " The pout on his face was priceless. I was about to tease when there was a knock on the door. I called the person in and they revealed them self to be  Yuma. A groan left Ayato's lips and he sat up, the playful look in his eye dying down into disgust. 

"Yuma!" I giggled and got up to hug him tightly,  completely ignoring the silent protests of the pure blood on the bed.

"Hey (y/n) ." My boyfriend  gave me a small smile and hugged me back before placing his head atop mine and glaring back at the young Sakamaki who had watched the whole scene unfold.

I gave an irritated sigh as the tension between them grew.

"Calm down you two,  it's  the weekend and I'm not in the mood for you and your arguments." They both looked down at me before making eye contact with each other and huffing. ~I swear they could be twins~ After a few minutes of thick silence, I took Yuma's hand in my own and dragged him out of the room as I shot Ayato a quick goodbye. 

(Ayato p.o.v)

Once (y/n) was gone,  I collapsed onto her bed with a sigh.

"I've made so many attempts to reclaim  her but she's too damn blind to see them." A frustrated growl crawled up my throat as I looked up at the ceiling with my arms behind my head. My eyes slightly watered as her scent wafted up from the bed sheets. Honestly,  I missed her but Yuma had her wrapped around his finger and him around her's. I hated  watching them and I hated seeing her so happy with him. She was mine first.  I saw her before anyone else,  she belonged to me.

I gave another sigh and turned onto my stomach before hugging one of the pillows and falling asleep,  memories  of (y/n) and I running through my mind.

(Y/n p.o.v)

I chuckled as I sat on Yuma's lap and poked his nose. It twitched cutely before he did the same to me. The garden breeze blew through my thick (h/c) hair as I giggled. With a smile, I kissed his cheek but as I went to  pull away, he tangled his hands in my hair and kissed me full on.

I grinded against him and the handsome brunette smirked, returning the gesture. A small gasp escaped me and flowed into his ear and he ran his fangs across my shoulder. 

"Is someone hungry." He said grinding me a bit more as he laughed teasingly.  I barely managed a nod before succumbing  to his charm.

"I love you (y/n). "

"I love you too, Yuma." The smile on his face was bright as he began to take off my shirt and fondle my chest.  Sadly,  the moment was ruined by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

I lightly sighed before laying on the chest of my boyfriend,  who gave a small growl of frustration. 

"Shu, why now? " I groan. He didn't  say anything and picked me up off of Yuma's lap before taking my shirt and taking me to his room.

"Shu?" Again he didn't answer and placed me on his bed. It was only a few seconds before he climbed in with me and held me close.

"Go to sleep." He ordered trying to hide the fact that he wanted a cuddle.

I laughed  a bit and held him closer before drifting off in his embrace.

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