As the years go on /3

Start from the beginning

"Hey leader! We all know you don't wanna go for any other girl because you're saving yourself for Lucy "Cana said giving me a sarcastic wink while drinking from her "apple juice". Everyone was a bit surprised to hear that name and looked a bit sad but quickly shrugged the thought aside and laughed at the joke, knowing that she didn't mean it as an insult to Lucy. I proceeded to go into class to get to my desk in the back corner of the class next to the window. All my friends are sitting around me while everyone else is sitting next to me. On the other side of the room is Minerva, Angel, Jenny, Midnight, Racer, and Cobra. They call themselves the neo-seis and they are those one of the groups who oppose Fairy Tail. They call themselves that name because that gang was found from six people 50 years ago from some people who are long dead now. Minerva, Angel, and Jenny haven't changed much over the years except having their tits and butt grow bigger like all other girls, well except for Levy. I don't pay attention to Levy like that but Gajeel always fawns over her butt and makes fun of her boobs to annoy her. With those three girls I still consider them some hoes because all they do is find a cute guy with money and take them to bed. That is one of the only reasons why they have their little 'boy toys' defending them all the time.

Midnight has black messy hair and while long hairs on the front of his face, he also wears lipstick which makes him look a bit like a draq queen. Although, Cobra is a bit different. He also has chestnut brown messy hair and the tan skin every woman would want. 'Dang, I sound really gay when I say that' I thought to myself kind of shocked by that happening. He lost his eye a few years ago so that makes me slightly respect the guy, but never a comrade.

Once we all get settled into our seats the teacher, Mr. Bob starts the lesson assigned for today. Mr. Bob is a very fat, very bald, and a very ugly man. I don't know why but this school has the weirdest teachers ever. "Okay class, we are going to learn about Roman Mythology, so I expect you guys to listen to this unit because it is something you all will br intere-"Mr. Bob was interrupted when the door slowly creaked open. All the heads in the room started to turn their heads towards the door including my friends. They had a scared and surprised face which made me a bit curious. I slowly turn my head to the direction of the door and I don't believe my eyes...the first thing I see are the most beautiful chestnut colored eyes, ''

---4 years ago---

Natsu's P.O.V.

"I already have everything I want, but my goal is to never lose you guys as my dearest friends!" Lucy said with a big smile on her face. When I hear Lucy's laugh my mood lightens up, when I see her smile I want stay with her, but the eyes are the most dangerous part of her. Her eyes will enchant anybody who looks at them. Out of everyone, I know Lucy the best because she is my best friend. And because of that, I know when she is sad when others can't, I see through her fake smiles. I know that she has been bullied, abused, hurt mentally and physically but she refuses to have me help her. I don't want to ignore the fact that she is hurting but she is very stubborn when it comes to the topic. She made me promise not to tell anybody and to not bring it up because it makes it sad for others to worry for her. Although, if I had a choice I would kill each one of them for even laying a finger on her. I don't care that I'm only a 13-year-old, anyone who hurts my Luce will get hurt in return. That is why my goal is to become the strongest person, so I can protect her.

After everyone was done playing at the tree we all started to go in separate directions to go home. "Hey everyone, we should hang out tomorrow at the usual place" I yell out to everybody and they all cheered about that. I started to walk home and immediately was wishing that tomorrow would come so I can see my friends.

...time skip to the next day...

I get to the tree to see that everyone is there except for one little blonde girl, Lucy. "Hey where is Luce?" I said out loud. "I don't know but she must be on her way right now" Levy said. I just nod, a little sad that she isn't here yet, but I'll just shrug it off for now. "Hey flamebrain, when are you gonna admit to Lucy that you're uncontrollably in love with her?" Gray said smirking because he knows that it will get to my soft spot. "I'll tell her when you use your head to tell Juvia you like her, Ice Princess" I say back and just turn away from him. Although he annoys me, I just don't feel like fighting today.

After an hour Lucy still hasn't arrived and I'm getting worried about her. "Hey guys I'm going to go to Lucy's house to see where she is" I said to everyone. "Oi, we're tagging along with you. If you haven't noticed yet, we are friends with Lucy too." Gray said with a side smile. "Yea, and I still need to see how you two interact so I can make the perfect plan to get you two together!" Mira said with a devilish face but let out a giggle. 'Wow, I really don't understand Mira at times because she is like a devil in the disguise of an angel' I laugh nervously to myself. "Natsu, Lucy and Jellal are mine and I don't like it when people take what's mine so I will take the honors of leading the way." Erza said with a scary look on her face causing me to step back with a sweat drop above my head, Jellal was blushing a little bit from the what Erza said. Levy looked angry at Erza's comment but decided not to join in because she didn't want to be scolded by Erza. "Hehe, Juvia thinks it is a great idea to see Lucy!" she said to calm down Erza and Natsu from starting conflict. I just look at Erza and then look towards the direction of Lucy's house and my legs immediately started to walk there. *Sigh* "okay fine, I guess you guys can come" I said jokingly to my friends.

Once we got to the Heartfilia mansion all our hearts immediately dropped in immediate confusion, 'What happened, where's Luce?'. I'm too shocked to move at this point and I feel as if my heart was shattering. I see trucks parked at the sidewalk with people coming in and out of the house carrying the furniture. There is no sold sign, so these people are not taking all this stuff with the Heartfilia's. Without thinking I run up to one of the men and asked where Luce was. "Sorry kid, they just left out of nowhere and left everything behind, so we were told we can keep anything we wanted. If I say so that is generous of such a wealthy family, although it was surprising that they went bankrupt out of nowhere. Well, things always can go downhill in life so it's none of my business to pry into their problems." Hearing this from the random man made my heart drop and I am slowly starting to become numb. Tears slowly started to form in my eye's, but I refuse to let them fall in front of everybody. I look back to see my friends all upset just as I am. Gajeel and Laxus always hid their emotions but you could tell that they were sad because they stood still and looked down to the floor. Gajeel was also holding Levy in a hug to comfort her sobbing figure. The great and strong Erza looked down to the floor to hide the tears that are slowly falling from her eyes. Juvia had her hands over her mouth and tried not to cry. Gray and Mira just stood frozen with the look of sadness in their eyes. Cana didn't drink her apple juice because she did not have the desire to take a sip because of the sadness of Lucy's disappearance.

Levy surprisingly spoke up, "guys, Lu must have a good reason for leaving, she is not the type to just leave without saying goodbye." We all knew Levy was right but didn't want to admit that our Lucy is gone. No, I didn't want to admit my Luce is gone so I will wait for her, even if it means I must wait for the rest of my life. That is a promise and I never break my promises.

---Present day---

"' I whisper to myself making sure no one heard me. She shared the same expression I have now, but it was mixed with an expression of sadness. She had on an oversized sweater and wore jeans that were a little over-sized for her. She was probably the same height as Juvia and topped off her appearance with glasses. With her ensemble someone could barely recognize that it was her, but I know it's her because of that blonde hair that shine's like the sun and those chestnut eyes that I have been yearning to see for the past five years.

The look she had on her face absolutely killed me and caused me to stay frozen in my chair. She looked so different from the last time I saw her and she quickly looked down to avoid eye contact with me, like she was hiding from me. My friends were in total shock and some of the girls were holding back their tears, as a gang member we should show little to no emotion. "Dear, what is your name and are you a new student here?" Mr. Bob said, excited to have a new student in his class. "Yes, my name is Lucy Hearfilia" Lucy said in a soft voice but was loud enough to be heard by the teacher. "Well it's lovely to have you, can you sit next to the big, scary pinky boy in the back?" Mr. Bob said and returned to the lesson he was giving.

Lucy slowly started to walk up to us to take her seat and turned her head to look at the wall. Once she sat down in her seat she turned to look at all of us, "I am so sorry to all of you guys for leaving without a word, and I will understand if you guys hate me" she said with a blank face, but I saw the message she was giving me "Things can't go back to what they once were, so please just forget about me".


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