Worst night or Best?

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Ashley woke me up about an hour later.

"Hey baby. Wanna come see us preform?" Ashley asked. I opened my eyes.

"Okay.." I say smiling. Ashley helped me up. I went into the bathroom putting on black ripped skinny jeans and my new Asking Alexandria Shirt.

I left my hair straight and kept my makeup.

I walked over to Ashley.

"Remember there's an after party." Ashley said.

"I know. I'm changing after the concert into something more party appropriate." I said.

"Just as long as you don't look like a hooker." Andy said to me. Ashley frowned.

"Awe come on! I have some stuff from my Purdy night clothing line." Ashley said.

"15" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Good girl." Andy said hugging me.

"You know I'm only joking." Ashley said following me into the kitchen.

"I know." I say laughing. I grab

A granola bar from the cupboard.

"Yo! Guys let's go! How 'bout we get to the stage before were late!" CC said coming from the bunks.

All the guys quickly ran off the bus and I was trailing behind them.

"Oh by the way Rain your singing with us tonight." Andy said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yep to late!" Andy yelled running faster. Ugh why did he have such long bird like legs?!

I chased after him but the band was already on stage.

Ugh! I'm gonna beat his ass.

"Hey guys. My names Andy Biersack and We are Black Veil Brides" Andy said. They started too preform their small set.


Last song


"Okay guys we have a special guest. I would like to present my little sister, Sky Biersack or who we like to call

Rain!" His voice boomed.

I shyly walked on stage.

"Hey guys, I'm Rain." I said.

"And... We are gonna sing... Coffin." I said. The crowed went wild.

Andy looked at me a bit surprised. He moved away from the microphone.

"Can you do the vocals?" He asked.

"You bet your ass I can." I said laughing.

I heard the beginning of it, Andy started with the loud scream. I couldn't do that with my voice.

I started singing.

Take your crosses

I'll live without them

Standing wet in holy rain.

When you were baptized

Ignored the problem

That's when I watched you seal your grave.

I tried to save you

But let you drink the pain

A final song now we both know.

So I'm not givin' up

Won't let you suffocate me

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